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Matthew 14:15-21 John 4:1-26. Our mission at Maseru United Church is to seek to glorify God and further the expansion of His kingdom by providing facilities.

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Presentation on theme: "Matthew 14:15-21 John 4:1-26. Our mission at Maseru United Church is to seek to glorify God and further the expansion of His kingdom by providing facilities."— Presentation transcript:

1 Matthew 14:15-21 John 4:1-26

2 Our mission at Maseru United Church is to seek to glorify God and further the expansion of His kingdom by providing facilities and a caring environment for pursing religious activities aimed at discipling people of all walks of life and bringing many to a deeper knowledge of the saving grace of His Son, in conformity with our vision 

3 The Mission of Maseru United Church is to present a holistic and authentic Christianity to both expatriate and local communities in Maseru.

4 Our vision Maseru United Church is to grow into a vibrant interdenominational church with a holistic response to the Great Commission (Matt. 28) focusing on transforming the local and expatriate populations in Lesotho and its environs into a Godly, compassionate and caring community, to the glory of God through our Lord Jesus Christ.

5 To be the premier interdenominational, international seeker sensitive, community church in Maseru.

6 Sound Doctrine - We believe that teaching and doctrine should be balanced on the historical roots of Christianity that shaped the theology and orthodoxy of faith. Sound doctrine is held in high esteem. Worship - We believe that full devotion to Christ and His cause are normal for every believer. Devotion - We believe that full devotion to Christ and His cause are normal for every believer.

7 Prayer - We believe in the power of prayer, and that makes a critical difference in all we attempt to achieve. Evangelism - We believe that an effective church services its community and treats everyone with love, respect, and dignity. Family - We believe there is nothing more important than strong united families.

8 Equipping - We believe in equipping the saints for ministry and life by helping them to operate in their spiritual gifts. Relationships - We believe that loving relationships should permeate every aspect of church life. Family - We believe there is nothing more important than strong united families.

9 Character - We believe that character is more important than talent. Excellence - We believe excellence honors God and inspires greatness.

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