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Module 5 Rules and suggestions Unit You must keep to the path.

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2 Module 5 Rules and suggestions Unit You must keep to the path.

3 Teaching aims and demands: Grasp the key words and key structure: keep to (the path) , got lost, lead the way feel tired,I ’ m starving!I think that ’ s all. ( 重点 ) Listening skill: To understand conversations of talking about rules and giving suggestions. Speaking skill: To use modal verbs to give instruction. Improve the students ’ speaking ability. ( 难点) Affection and attitudes: We should be polite to the others.

4 Match the pictures with the phrases. rule suggestion rope stream starving keep to lead the way QUIET PLEASE

5 Look at the photo, and say what rules and advice you can give to the Great Wall.

6 Listen and answer the questions. ① What is Betty ’ s mum worried about? ② What is Mr. Jackson going to do That the trip will be dangerous. He’s going to lead the group and tell them everything about personal safety. Countryside cross edge everybody keep lead personal safety noon rope stream

7 . ③ When are they going to have something to eat? ④ What does Betty ’ s mum think they should do if they go climbing? ⑤ How dangerous does Betty think the trip will be? At noon. They should take ropes. As dangerous as crossing the road.

8 Choose the best answer. ① The conversation probably takes place ___. a) in the classroom before the walk b) at the start of the walk along the Great Wall c) at the end of the walk √

9 Choose the best answer. ② Mr. Jackson gives a lot of rules and suggestions, so he probably ____________. a) is nervous about walking along the Great Wall b) has never been to the Great Wall c) has a lot of experience in walking in the countryside √

10 Choose the best answer. ③ The children might hurt themselves if ______________. a) they walk along the edge b) they go off on their own c) drink all the water before lunch √

11 Choose the best answer. ④ Before they have lunch, _____________. a) they probably have to walk three or four hours b) they have to be very careful c) they can go rock climbing √

12 Choose the best answer. ⑤ Daming needs a rest probably because __________. a) he has walked too far b) he ’ s hurt c) he ’ s lazy Now listen again and check. √

13 Make notes about Mr. Jackson ’ s rules and suggestions. You must You mustn ’ t You should You shouldn ’ t You can You can ’ t You have to start walking go rock climbing; cross the stream and climb up to …; take a look across the countryside keep together; think about personal safety keep to the path; use ropes for climbing; have the right shoes. walk along the edge; go off on your own have something to eat now drink all the water.

14 language points: 1. You mustn ’ t go off on your own. go off 意思是 “ 离开, 走开 ” 。 on one ’ s own 意思是 “ 单独 ” 。例如: He lives on his own. I need some time on my own.

15 2. You must keep to the path. keep to 的意思是 “ 沿着 …… 走; 使不离开; 留在 某个位置 ” 。例如: Let ’ s keep to the point or we ’ ll never reach any decisions. Please keep to the left hand side of the stairs.

16 3. I ’ m starving! 我都快饿死了! 在非正式英语中,当人们想表达 “ 非常饿 ” 这个 概念的时候, 常说 “ I ’ m starving! ” 。例如: What ’ s for lunch? I ’ m starving!

17 4. Come on! I ’ ll lead the way. 这里 lead 表示 “ 带(路), 领(路) ” 。例如: I don ’ t know the way, so you ’ d better lead. You lead on and we ’ ll follow behind on the horses. come on 在不同的情境有不同的意思。例如:

18 Come on — we ’ re going to be late if you don ’ t hurry! ( 快点 ) Your piano playing has really come on since I last heard you play. ( 有进步 ) — It ’ ll take at least two hours to do this! — Oh, come on! I could do it in 20 minutes. ( 得啦! 算了吧! )

19 Answer the questions : ① When was the last time you went for a walk in the countryside? What did you see? ② Where do you stand before you cross a road? ③ What ’ s your feeling about personal safety? Are you careful or careless? On the edge of the pavement.

20 Say these sentences aloud. Try to link some of the sounds. You have to think about personal safety! And you must have the right shoes. OK, I think that ’ s all. Let ’ s go down this path, and then we can cross the stream and climb up to the top of that mountain. Then we can take a look across the countryside … Now listen and check.

21 Think of a trip you ’ re going to make. Think about a trip to: A beach a mountain a museum a swimming pool the countryside the theatre Make a list of rules and suggestions. You mustn ’ t go swimming immediately after lunch. You must wait an hour or more.

22 Work with another pair. Find out what rules and suggestions they have made in their list. You mustn ’ t go swimming immediately after lunch. Yes, and you mustn ’ t go swimming on you own. You must always go with someone.

23 Everyday English I ’ m starving! I think that ’ s all.

24 Homework: Retell the dialogue as fluently as possible

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