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Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
Michael Sokolov ETH Zurich, Institut für Chemie- und Bioingenieurwissenschaften ETH Hönggerberg / HCI F135 – Zürich Michael Sokolov / Numerical Methods for Chemical Engineers / Nonlinear Regression
Geometric interpretation: Average
Each row or object in X is represented by one point in X-space. The data matrix X represents a swarm of points in this space. The vector of variable averages is also a point in X-space. This average is then subtracted from the data matrix. This corresponds to moving the origin of the coordinate system to the middle (“center-of- mass”) of the data swarm. X3 X2 X1 Michael Sokolov / Numerical Methods for Chemical Engineers / Nonlinear Regression
Geometric interpretation: 1. Principal Component (PC)
The first principal component (PC) is a line in X-space that best approximates the data (in the least squares sense). It explains the greatest possible amount of variation. The line goes through the average point. The direction of the line is determined by the loading vector p1 (elements p1k). The position of each point, is determined by the score vector t1 (elements t1i) Linear transformation and projection X3 X2 X1 Michael Sokolov / Numerical Methods for Chemical Engineers / Nonlinear Regression
Geometric interpretation: PC-plane
New orthogonal PCs can be added improving the approximation of the data points as much as possible. The principal components together form a plane (hyperplane) in X-space.The line goes through the average point. PCA is a visualization tool projecting the data points onto a low dimensional plane. This allows considering the (process) data from a window (television analogy) of representative non-correlated (latent) variables. X3 X2 X1 Michael Sokolov / Numerical Methods for Chemical Engineers / Nonlinear Regression
Geometric interpretation: Projection
The scores t are a small number of new variables (latent variables) that best summarize the original ones. Sorted on importance: t1, t2,.. The values of the latent variables for each object are called scores tia (component a and object i) Scores are the locations along the lines where the objects are projected. The loadings p define the orientation of the lines. Computation through NIPALS algorithm (Nonlinear Iterative Partial Least Squares) Michael Sokolov / Numerical Methods for Chemical Engineers / Nonlinear Regression
PCA: Residuals Information Noise
Michael Sokolov / Numerical Methods for Chemical Engineers / Nonlinear Regression
Why PCA? Chemical and Biotechnological Process data:
Very high dimensional data matrices Many variables and many observations Variables are not independent High correlation among variables Low signal to noise ratio Each variable contains little information – need multivariate methods Separation of information from noise Main effects are captured by the first PCs while the rest can be attributed to noise Non-causal in nature Can’t generally use data to imply cause and effect relationships But can get informative correlation relationships (exploration, description) Biotechnology: very limited mathematical (first principle law) understanding of interactions between the large amount of variables Michael Sokolov / Numerical Methods for Chemical Engineers / Nonlinear Regression
Information from PCA Score plots (e.g. t1 vs t2)
Observation groups Abnormal behavior (outliers) Loading plots (e.g. p1 vs p2) Correlation of variables Importance of variables (to explain overall X-variance) Hotelling’s T2 plot Distance of point from the origin in the plane. How different is it from average condition? SPE (sum of projection error) plot Distance of point from plane. Which objects p1 Michael Sokolov / Numerical Methods for Chemical Engineers / Nonlinear Regression
PCA: Food example Michael Sokolov / Numerical Methods for Chemical Engineers / Nonlinear Regression
PCA: Food example – score plot (t1, t2)
Michael Sokolov / Numerical Methods for Chemical Engineers / Nonlinear Regression
PCA: Food example – loading plot (p1, p2)
correlated Negatively correlated to ‘green’ group Not correlated to ‘green’ group Michael Sokolov / Numerical Methods for Chemical Engineers / Nonlinear Regression
PCA: Food example – combination
Loadings and Scores are unidirectional Michael Sokolov / Numerical Methods for Chemical Engineers / Nonlinear Regression
PCA: Food example – abnormal behavior from SPE plot
Far from plane Close to plane Michael Sokolov / Numerical Methods for Chemical Engineers / Nonlinear Regression
PCA: Wine example Loadings Scores
Michael Sokolov / Numerical Methods for Chemical Engineers / Nonlinear Regression
PCA: Writer example Scores + Loadings
Michael Sokolov / Numerical Methods for Chemical Engineers / Nonlinear Regression
PCA in Matlab Use the following set of functions for PCA:
[loadings,scores,varexp,tsquare] = princomp(Z) Performs PCA on standardized X-data set Outputs: loadings, scores, variance explained by each PC and Hoteling's T2 distance [loadings,scores,vexpZ,tsquared,vexpX,mu] = pca(Z) Outputs: loadings, scores, variance explained by each PC in X and Z, Hoteling's T2 distance, estimated mean of each variable in X biplot(loadings(:,1:3),'scores',scores(:,1:3),'varlabels',vbls); Plots the loadings and scores in a single plot Z = zscore(X) Standardizes the raw X-matrix Michael Sokolov / Numerical Methods for Chemical Engineers / Nonlinear Regression
Exercise 12 One of the first ‘multivariate’ data sets was introduced by Sir Ronald Fisher in This data quantifies the morphologic variation of Iris flowers of three related species. Michael Sokolov / Numerical Methods for Chemical Engineers / Nonlinear Regression
Assignment 1 Read in the data set Fisher Iris.xlsx
Standardize the four numeric X variables. Perform a Principal Component Analysis using the function princomp on the standardized data. Plot the specific and cumulative variance explained by the principal components normalizing it by the maximal variance explained, s.t. R2max = 1. What can you interpret regarding the general correlation structure of the variables? How many ‘main effects’ seem to be present in the data? Plot the loadings and scores of the first two principal components with biplot. Can you observe different groups? Distinguish those groups by showing the different flower species in different colors and labeling them with their species name using text an additional scatter plot. What can you conclude regarding the correlation of the variables and the ‘main effects’ in the data? Michael Sokolov / Numerical Methods for Chemical Engineers / Nonlinear Regression
Assignment 1 (Continued)
Consider the correlation matrix (using the function corrcoef) to support your first conclusion. Which species features most of the abnormal observations? Use the Hotelling’s T2 distance in the plane of the first two PCs (t1 and t2) for each observation i comparing it to a critical value of 6.3 (corresponds to 95 % level). Using the variances of t1 and t2, s12 and s22, it can be defined as Which species can be worst explained by the model with two PCs? How could you improve this deviation from the model plane? Calculate the SPE value for each observation comparing it to critical level of 0.6 (corresponds to 95 % level). You can access the residuals using the function pcares. Re-perform the analysis without the standardization step. Which changes do you observe? Why? Michael Sokolov / Numerical Methods for Chemical Engineers / Nonlinear Regression
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