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Pervious/Porous Concrete Poolesville Town Hall. Site Plan.

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Presentation on theme: "Pervious/Porous Concrete Poolesville Town Hall. Site Plan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pervious/Porous Concrete Poolesville Town Hall

2 Site Plan

3 Details

4 Selling The Idea This is different to what is normal in appearance Explain that this is part of a total storm water management system Keep the system in the local news.

5 Working with Agencies Coordinate with the review agencies During construction make sure other inspectors are aware of what is taking place

6 Setting parameters Specifications have not been established to a great extent. But set reasonable specifications until ASTM and ACI issue

7 Finding contractors This should be part of the review process and part of the contractor selection process. Look at what other successful projects have in common.

8 Subgrade Prep

9 Fabric Placement

10 Day of the Pour

11 The Material

12 Discharge

13 Testing

14 Test Panel

15 Sample

16 Placement

17 Finish and Cover

18 Testing the product and placement in Service The Town flooded the Parking lot using a fire hose to determine if the Pervious Concrete had sections that were not Porous. The beams were broken and flex was examined along with the shear plains within the aggregate. Cores were examined for uniformity of placement. Once all, criteria were met the parking lot went into service 28 days latter.

19 Beam Break

20 Functioning

21 Finish

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