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School Climate and Culture- A Family Affair CCRPI-A Family Affair.

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Presentation on theme: "School Climate and Culture- A Family Affair CCRPI-A Family Affair."— Presentation transcript:

1 School Climate and Culture- A Family Affair CCRPI-A Family Affair

2 Climate and Culture  What is school climate?  What is school culture?

3 Freedom Mission Statement  The mission of Freedom Middle School is to provide a conducive learning environment where teachers can teach and students can reach and exceed their potential, so they may compete in a global society.”

4 2015-2016 School Goal Reduce the number disciplinary referrals from 2, 400 by 5% by to the end of the 2015-2016 school year

5 4Rs  Respect  Relationships  Rituals  Routines

6 Respect  respect for policy and procedures, respect of differences of opinions (students, colleagues, parents) respect of the rules, respect for cultural differences, respect for various learning styles, respect for self (professionalism), respect for students’ personal space, respect for the teaching profession.

7 Relationships *Positive relationship with students and parents. *Positive relationships with colleagues Remember: Power is in the Tongue *Professional Learning Community *Fuel your ride with Positive Energy

8 Rituals/Routines  - Determine how you plan to engage student each day, how you plan to start the lesson.  Establish procedures for students turning in homework, entering the room, heading their paper. Establish how you are going to highlight satisfactory achievement/growth and or satisfactory behavior or improvement. Be explicit, consistent deliberate with affirmations, behavior/academic incentives.  Create an positive environment/culture in your class in which students will say.. In Ms. Boston, class we always….

9 Freedom Mission  The mission of Freedom Middle School is to provide a conducive learning environment where teachers can teach and students can reach and exceed their potential, so they may compete in a global society.”

10 Freedom CCRPI A Family Affair 52 pts

11 Celebration Time

12 Freedom Middle School CCRPI Middle School 2012 Single Score 2013 Single Score 2014 Single Score 2012- 2014 Gain/loss 2012- 2014 % Change 56.259.352.4-3.8-6.8% Goal is 60.1 ( Gain of 7.7 PTS )

13 Freedom Middle School Three Year Comparison Percent of students scoring at Meets or Exceeds on the CRCT (required participation rate >= 95%) 2012 PERFORMANCE RATE 2013 PERFORMANCE RATE 2014 PERFORMANCE RATE GAIN/LOSS POINTS EARNED 2012-2014 ELA 78.27772.4-5.8 READING 80.680.279.6 MATH 73.168.358.5-14.6 SCIENCE 57.855.852.5-5.3 SOCIAL STUDIES 62.966.961.9

14 Content Mastery 2014 Freedom MS Percent of students scoring at Meets or Exceeds on the CRCT (required participation rate >= 95%) Benchmark Performance Points Earned ELA100 72.4 7.2 READING 100 79.6 8.0 MATH100 58.5 5.9 SCIENCE 100 52.5 5.3 SOCIAL STUDIES 100 61.9 6.2

15 Indicator 6 Indicator 7  Percent of EL Students who show positive movement on the ACCESS Test  6.2 out of 10 points  Percent of SWD students in a general ed class greater than 80 percent of the day  8.2 out of 10 points

16 2015-2016 School Goal  Increase percentage of ELL students moving a performance band by 2% as measured on the Access Test.

17 Percent of students in grade 8 achieving a Lexile measure equal to or greater than 1050 2014 score = 53.8 Target Goal – 64.0 (1.0 PT) 2012 Perform. Rate 2012 Points Earned 2013 Perform. Rate 2013 Points Earned 2014 Perform. Rate 2014 Points Earned Perform Rate Gains/ Losses 2012- 2014 Points Earned Gains/ Losses 2012- 2014 % CHANGE Perform Rate 2012- 2014 % CHANGE Points Earned 2012- 2014 53.05.353.25.348.84.9-4.2-0.4-7.9%-7.5% INDICATOR 9 (Writing Indicator 8 is Obsolete)

18 2015-2016 School Goal Increase the percentage of students reading on grade level as measured by STAR and/or GA Milestones Lexile scores by 3%. –All students

19 Progress score –25% of CCRPI Score  Students obtain growth percentiles, ranging from 1 to 99, which indicate how their current achievement compares with that of their statewide academic peers who had similar score histories.  SGPs are not based on whether a student meets or exceeds standards.  Students who meet or exceed can potentially fail to make typical or high growth and vice versa


21 2015-2016 School Goal  Increase the percentage of students who achieve typical/high growth in each content area by 3% as measured by SLOs/GA Milestones. –All students

22 Freedom Climate/Culture Freedom CCRPI Freedom Family Affairs

23 Freedom Energy Bus Riders

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