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8-3 The Reactions of Photosynthesis

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1 8-3 The Reactions of Photosynthesis
The difference is night and day! Interactive: pgs

2 Inside a Chloroplast Thylakoids Stroma Saclike membranes
Arranged in stacks called grana Organize the chlorophyll into clusters called photosystems Stroma Area outside the thylakoid membrane

3 Thylakoid compartment Stroma Thylakoid
Chloroplast LEAF CROSS SECTION MESOPHYLL CELL LEAF Mesophyll CHLOROPLAST Intermembrane space Outer membrane Granum Inner membrane Grana Stroma Thylakoid compartment Stroma Thylakoid

4 Electron Carriers (The electron transport chain)
Sunlight gives energy to electrons in the chlorophyll of a plant NADP+ A carrier molecule Can carry 2 high energy electrons and 1 H+ NADPH Results from adding 2 electrons Traps the energy in chemical form Can be used by chemical reactions in the cell


6 Light Dependent Reactions
In the thylakoid membrane of the chloroplasts Use energy from light to make O Converts ADP to ATP Converts NADP+ to NADPH

7 5 Steps (Light Dependent Reactions)
1. Photosystem II- absorbs light and breaks up water 2. Electron Transport Chain- moves high energy e- and transports H+ inside the thylakoid 3. Photosystem I uses the e- & H+ to turn NADP+ into NADPH 4. Hydrogen Ion movement makes the outside - and inside +. 5. ATP formation- H+ move outside the membrane and ATP synthase creates ATP.

8 Light Dependent Reactions
Thylakoid compartment (high H+) Light Light Thylakoid membrane Antenna molecules Stroma (low H+) ELECTRON TRANSPORT CHAIN PHOTOSYSTEM II PHOTOSYSTEM I ATP SYNTHASE

9 The Calvin Cycle Uses ATP and NADPH made during the light dependent reactions Makes High Energy Sugars like Glucose Does not require light Occurs in the Stroma

10 4 Steps 6 CO2 molecules + 6 C5 molecules = 12 C3
The resulting 12 C3 molecules are converted to higher energy molecules by using ATP and NADPH 2 of the C3 high energy molecules are used to make sugars, lipids, amino acids for metabolism and growth The remaining 10 C3 molecules are recycled back into 6 C5 molecules to start the cycle again.


12 Factors that Affect the Rate of Photosynthesis
Amount of Water Temperature Photosynthetic enzymes function best at 0-35 degrees C Light Intensity

13 Review: Photosynthesis uses light energy to make food molecules
Chloroplast Light Photosystem II Electron transport chains Photosystem I CALVIN CYCLE Stroma Electrons Cellular respiration Cellulose Starch Other organic compounds LIGHT REACTIONS CALVIN CYCLE

14 Quiz Ch.8 What type of organism uses light energy to make its own food
Which compound is used to release energy to power the cell: ATP or ADP? What is the name of the process that converts light energy into high energy carbohydrates? Write the equation for the above process. (you may use words or chemical formulas) What is the main light absorbing pigment in plants?

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