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Phylum Cnidaria Sea Anemone, Jellies Filter/ Suspension Feeders (pump water) Color - symbiotic algae Sac with a central digestive compartment Sessile Porous Bodies Sessile polyp and the floating medusa Stinging capsules Regeneration Hermaphrodites Tentacles (capture prey) Muscles and nerves (simple) No brain Noncentralized nerve net BILATERIA Acoelemates Phylum Platyhelminthes (flatworms) Tapeworm, Flukes BILATERIA Pseudocoelemates Phylum Rotifera Jaws Crowns of cilia Complete digestive tract Mouth and anus Free-living forms Some parasites (tapeworm/fluke) Mesoderm (triploblastic) True muscle tissue Some Parthenogenesis (all females) Lack a digestive tract Flattened dorsoventrally Some degenerate males (sperm donors) Head (cephalized) Pair of eyespots Lack organs specialized for gas exchange and circulation Smell Osmoregulatory (pharynx opening) Learn to modify their responses to stimuli Hermaphrodites, copulating

3 ?? Central Digestive Compartment Simple “Muscle and Nerve” True Muscle Tissue Nerve Cord/ Ganglia Cephalization Complete Digestive Tract

4 PSEUDOCEOLOMATES Phylum Nematoda (round worms) Pinworm, hookworm
Nonsegmented pseudocoelomates Tough cuticle covering (exoskeleton) Molting, or ecdysis Complete digestive tract No circulatory system Separate sexes Internal fertilization YouTube - Roundworm inside cat's intestine YouTube - Parasites Eating Us Alive - Part 2 YouTube - Parasite Monsters Inside Me - Part 1 YouTube - Monsters Inside Me: Toddler Under Attack YouTube - Monsters Inside Me- Pork Tapeworm YouTube - Removing Intestinal Worms and Parasites from a 3 Year Old

5 PROTOSTOMIA Phylum Mollusca
Snails and slugs (land), oysters, clams, octopuses and squids Most have hard shell made of calcium carbonate Muscular foot Visceral mass Mantle Gills Radula to scrape up food Open circulatory system Dorsal heart Circulatory fluid (hemolymph) Arteries Nerve cords Excretory organs (nephridia) Most separate sexes, with gonads (ovaries or testes)

6 closed circulatory system
Class: Cephalopoda complex brain closed circulatory system YouTube - Wow! Giant octopus - extreme animals - BBC wildlife YouTube - Cuttlefish: Chameleons of the Sea

7 PROTOSTOMIA Phylum Annelida (segmented worms) Coelom Segmentation
Earthworm, leaches Digestive system with specialized regions Closed circulatory system Blood pumping vessels Brainlike pair of cerebral ganglia Pair of nerve cords Hermaphrodites, but they cross-fertilize Regeneration (asexual)

8 PROTOSTOMIA Phylum: Arthropoda Segmented coelomates
Exoskeletons (cuticle/chiton) Jointed appendages Two out of every three organisms known are arthropods Nearly all habitats Well-developed sensory organs (sight, smell, touch) Molting (ecdysis) Cephalization is extensive modified for walking, feeding, sensory reception, copulation, and defense Open circulatory systems (hemolymph) Heart (arteries and spaces called sinuses) Specialized gas exchange (gills/ trachea) Antenna surface



11 Eyelash

12 DEUTEROSTOMIA DEUTEROSTOMIA Phylum Echinodermata Phylum Chordata
Sea Stars, Sea Urchins, Sand Dollars Two subphyla of invertebrate animals plus the subphylum Vertebrata, the animals with backbones Water vascular system and secondary Radial anatomy Regeneration Sessile or slow-moving animals Endoskeleton Water vascular system Tube feet Metamorphosis from bilateral larvae

13 ?? Central Digestive Compartment Simple “Muscle and Nerve” Segmentation Digestive system with specialized regions Closed Circulatory System True Muscle Tissue Nerve Cord/ Ganglia Cephalization Complete Digestive Tract Jointed appendages Specialized gas exchange Well-developed sensory organs Cephalization is extensive Exoskeleton Internal Fertilization Endoskeleton Open circulatory system Dorsal heart Circulatory fluid (hemolymph) Arteries Excretory Organs Gonads Cephalopods Complex Brains Closed Circulatory System

14 Summary the animal phyla we have discussed in this chapter.
Choanocytes (collar cells--unique flagellated cells that ingest bacteria and tiny food particles); cells tend to be totipotent (retain zygote’s potential to form the whole animal) Unique stinging structures (cnidae), each housed in a specialized cell (cnidocyte); gastrovascular cavity (incomplete digestive tract with a mouth but no anus) Colloblasts (adhesive structures) for prey capture; eight rows of comblike ciliary plates; gastrovascular cavity Dorsoventrally flattened, unsegmented acoelomates; gastrovascular cavity or no disgestive tract Pseudocoelomates with complete digestive tracts; jaws in pharynx structures (trophi); head with a cilated crown (corona); no circulatory system Coelomates with lophophore (feeding structure bearing cilated tentacles) Unique anterior proboscis surrounded by fluid-filled cavity (rhynchocoel); complete digestive tract (mouth and anus); circulatory system with closed vessels Coelomates with three main body parts (muscular foot, visceral mass, mantle); coelom reduced; main body cavity is a hemocoel Coelomates with body wall and internal organs (except digestive tract) segmented Cylindrical, unsegmented pseudocoelomates with tapered ends; no circulatory system Coelomates with segmented body, jointed appendages, exoskeleton from ectoderm Coelomates with secondary radial anatomy (larvae bilateral; adults radial); unique water vascular system; endoskeleton Coelomates with notochord; dorsal hollow nerve cord; pharyngeal slits; muscular postanal tail

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