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Location where Dark Reaction Occurs. Cluster of Pigments and Associated Proteins.

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Presentation on theme: "Location where Dark Reaction Occurs. Cluster of Pigments and Associated Proteins."— Presentation transcript:

1 Location where Dark Reaction Occurs

2 Cluster of Pigments and Associated Proteins

3 Numerical Range of Wavelengths Absorbed by Pigments

4 Type of Anatomy Exhibited in C 4 Plants

5 Name the Molecule

6 Illustrated Protein that contains Copper

7 Name the Enzyme that Attaches CO 2 to RuBP

8 Stack of Thylakoids

9 Organism that uptake Sugar (They don’t Make it Themselves)

10 Protein that has Iron as a Major Component

11 Transfer of Energy between Pigments in Antenna Complex of Photosystem

12 Plants Transport Sugar in This Form

13 Peak Absorption Wavelength of Photosystem II

14 Enzyme that Captures Atmospheric CO 2 in the Cactus

15 Final Destination of Electrons in Non-Cyclic Photophosphorylation

16 Type of Radiation that Caused Sunburn

17 Protein that Functions as H + Channel AND Enzyme

18 Ion Channel for Water

19 Holes that Penetrate Plant Cell Wall

20 Monosaccharide Depicted

21 Enzyme (not shown) that Requires Manganese

22 Layer Between Cell Walls of Adjacent Plant Cells

23 Molecule Illustrated

24 Cell Wall Layer Illustrated

25 Region of Photosystem Illustrated

26 Polysaccharide Illustrated

27 Peak Absorbance Wavelength of Photosystem I

28 In C 4 Plant, Enzyme that Captures CO 2 from Atmosphere

29 In a CAM plant, Location where Malate is Stored Overnight

30 Type of Photophosphorylation Illustrated

31 Polysaccharide Illustrated

32 Cell Wall Layer Illustrated

33 Is this a C 3 plant or a C 4 plant? Why?

34 Time of Day when Pineapple Stoma are Open

35 What Happens to pH of Thylakoid Lumen during Light Reaction?

36 Light can be Thought of as a _______________ or a ______________

37 Region of Photosystem Illustrated

38 True – False: C 4 Plants do NOT have Rubisco in their Cells

39 In C 4 Plants, How Many Fuel Molecules are Needed to Convert Pyruvate to PEP

40 Loss of Electrons is Referred to as _______________

41 What is the Electron Acceptor that receives Electrons From Photosystem II?

42 Process by which ATP Synthesis is Coupled with H + Flow

43 Acronym for H + Pump in Light Reaction

44 Location of PEP Carboxylase in C 4 Plants

45 Term a Rancher or Florist Uses to Refer to C 4 Plants

46 What does “CAM” stand for?

47 What Chemical Element is at Center of Chlorophyll?

48 Accepts Electrons from Photosystem I

49 Pigment that Absorbs Some Green Wavelengths

50 Large Wavelength Radiation Just to the Right of Visible Spectrum

51 Molecule that, when Split, Evolves Oxygen

52 Two Uses of Glucose Inside of a Plant Cell

53 “RUBISCO” stands for __________________________

54 Energized Molecule that Exits Chloroplast

55 Plant Physiologist who Determined Chemical Steps in Dark Reaction

56 General Term for Molecule that Absorbs Light

57 Term for All Pigments that Harvest Wavelengths Unavailable to Chlorophyll A

58 Name of this Organelle

59 General Term for Organisms that Synthesize their Own Sugar

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