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Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD Click Once to Begin JEOPARDY!

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Presentation on theme: "Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD Click Once to Begin JEOPARDY!"— Presentation transcript:


2 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD Click Once to Begin JEOPARDY!

3 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD JEOPARDY! 100 200 300 400 500 Rebeldes Para Cristo Animales Sabios Parejas Insepara- bles Villanos vs Heroes Moderniz -ando el mundo Amigotes

4 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD Daily Double Graphic and Sound Effect! DO NOT DELETE THIS SLIDE! Deleting it may cause the game links to work improperly. This slide is hidden during the game, and WILL not appear. In slide view mode, copy the above (red) graphic (click once to select; right click the border and choose “copy”). Locate the answer slide which you want to be the daily double Right-click and choose “paste”. If necessary, reposition the graphic so that it does not cover the answer text. Daily Double!!!

5 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD Rentó un pez por tres noches

6 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD Jonas

7 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD “Deja ir a mi pueblo”

8 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD Moises

9 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD Parado sobre agua sin saber nadar

10 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD Pedro

11 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD Toma agua de piedra

12 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD Moises

13 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD Ordenó un burrito y le pego con una vara

14 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD Balaam

15 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD Sssssaborosa manzana

16 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD Serpiente

17 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD Los humanos saben asquerosos

18 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD Ballena

19 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD Dragon del mar

20 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD Leviatan

21 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD Guardaespaldas de Eliseo

22 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD Oso

23 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD Cocinero de pan y carne para un profeta

24 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD Cuervos

25 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD Mi amor, no voy a dejar que peques sola

26 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD Adan y Eva

27 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD Te doy mi sirvienta

28 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD Abram y Sarai

29 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD Tenemos jemelos y uno salio peludo

30 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD Rebeca y Isaac

31 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD Esta Mujer no es mi esposa

32 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD Jacob y Lea

33 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD Enamorados trabajando en campos de cebada

34 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD Boz y Rut

35 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD Tan chiquito que me causa riza

36 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD David y Goliat

37 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD Le ofreces carne asada a Dios, mejor le doy fruta

38 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD Cain y Abel

39 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD Mi Dios es mas grande que Baal

40 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD Elias y Jezabel

41 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD Mi hermano y enemigo

42 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD Moises y Faraón

43 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD Peluquera y le encanta pelo

44 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD Dalila y Sanson

45 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD Edificio flotante

46 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD El Arca

47 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD Abre la ventana y estaras en las nubes

48 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD Torre de Babel

49 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD Iglesia mas hermosa de todos los tiempos

50 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD Templo de Salomon

51 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD Angeles llegan al cielo subiendo un escalon a la vez

52 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD Escalera de Jacob

53 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD Estructura que no esta insonorizada

54 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD Jerico

55 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD Hijo de Rey y sucesor al padre de el

56 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD Jonatan y David

57 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD Question 6-200

58 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD Answer

59 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

60 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD Answer

61 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD Baja calorias junto con Dios

62 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD Enoc y Dios

63 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD Question 6-500

64 Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD Answer

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