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Dynamic Systems Initiative: Technical Drilldown. 20032008+199720002006 Infrastructure Costs Complexity 1994 Client Server N - Tier Dynamic Systems IT.

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Presentation on theme: "Dynamic Systems Initiative: Technical Drilldown. 20032008+199720002006 Infrastructure Costs Complexity 1994 Client Server N - Tier Dynamic Systems IT."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dynamic Systems Initiative: Technical Drilldown

2 20032008+199720002006 Infrastructure Costs Complexity 1994 Client Server N - Tier Dynamic Systems IT Complexity & Cost Support Management Costs $$ DSI – reducing TCO by building in experience

3 Full Lifecycle View Required Source: David M. Anderson, Design for Manufacturability: Optimizing Cost, Quality, and Time-to- Market, Second Edition (2001), CIM Press 805-924-0200 ProductionConceptDesignTesting Process Planning 0 20 40 60 80 100 locked in lifetime costs incurred Cost (8%) committed Cost (80%) spend against budget Operational Awareness must be built into applications/services from initial design

4 DSI in a Nutshell … Knowledge Models Lifecycle

5 A Management Revolution DSI is about changing the IT industry’s mindset DSI is a long-range initiative DSI is designed for all IT environments Open modeling framework Open protocols Open interfaces Microsoft is starting with Windows Partners provide platform-specific knowledge

6 Design for Operations Manageability must be architected into the system Like scalability Like security

7 DSI - Strategic Innovation Required DSI requires two fundamental building blocks A generic way to model knowledge A generic way to communicate with a system SDM and WS-Management provide the foundation for partners and customers to create manageable systems Systems Definition Model (SDM) WS-Management

8 System Definition Model (SDM) Holistic structure of the application, services, and the system Management at design time Service requirements integrated during development Understanding of application structure Manage as a service Health monitoring Holistic view Desired configuration management Auto-provisioning Network access verification Deployment sizing analysis “What if” testing Forensic simulation Performance management Change & Configuration Simulation / Capacity Planning

9 Windows Server 2003 Windows Server 2003 R2 Windows Vista Client Windows Vista Server 2005200620072004 VStudio 2005 DSI and System Center Roadmap SDM Platform MOM SMS New Tech SMS 2003 SP1 System Center Reporting Mgr v2 System Center Capacity Mgr v2 SDM System Center Capacity Mgr 2006 MOM v3 WSUS MOM 2005 MODEL MOM 2005 SP1 SMS 2003 Update System Center Reporting Mgr 2005 SDM MODEL SDM MODEL SMS v4 SDM System Center Data Protection Mgr

10 SDM Platform Ecosystem SDM Platform Built-in Models Ecosystem Value Add Specialization Re-use E.g. IIS, Web Service, ASP.NET Application, SQL Server Schema + behavior Computer, user, network switch, application, server role, hosted-by Prescriptive guidance, best practices Customer deployments Domain Models Reusable Configurations Customized Applications Meta Model Core Models SLAs IT Policy Health model Capacity modeling Configuration constraints Discipline

11 Sources of Model and Policy Development environment (Visual Studio) IT staff through management tools Discovery Operational Monitoring Error reporting Extensible

12 The Art of Management Knowledge is the key to management Desired state is replicated down -models, constraints, policy, prescriptive guidance, SLAs, patches Actual state is replicated up -inventory, metrics, events, alerts, compliance, service level, results Management consists of resolving conflicts between desired and actual state Desired state DeveloperIT Admin Model CMDB Central Manager Remote Manager Local Model Managed System Actual state

13 Best Location for Management Classical management not adequate ComplexityScaleAgility Mobile systems Consider opposing asynchronous flows for ScalabilityAgilityAutonomyStaleness latency * volatility Scope of control for distributed systems Desired state DeveloperIT Admin Model CMDB Central Manager Remote Manager Local Model Managed System Actual state

14 DSI Vision: Self-managing Systems Self-* systems Self-configuring & self-adapting Self-optimizing Self-deploying & self-cleaning Self-protectingSelf-monitoringSelf-diagnosingSelf-healing Prevention better than cure A self-* system needs knowledge of self & its environment, it is self- aware Self-* is the epitome of model- based management Pervasive model Every app delivered with a model Model in every Windows system Desired state DeveloperIT Admin Model CMDB Central Manager Remote Manager Local Model Managed System Actual state

15 A practical implementation of ITIL Microsoft Operations Framework

16 Managing Systems Reality Models Policy Optimizing Supporting Operating Changing ITIL/MOF workflows

17 Managing Systems Models Policy Operational systems share data & synch with reality: deployment, policy, discovery, service level, compliance Desired state Actual state

18 Managing Systems Desired state Actual state Data Warehouse Operational systems feed data warehouse, and use its data Historical state

19 SDM in Visual Studio 2005 Design-time validation of configurations and deployments IT Architect Application Developer SDM Models ModelValidation Deployment and Operational Requirements Data Center Policy and Constraints Errors


21 © 2005 Microsoft Corporation

22 Operation Signature Editor Application Toolbox ASP.NET Application Web Service Proxy Web Service Application Web Service End Point Web Service Properties © 2005 Microsoft Corporation

23 Code & Diagram Continuous Synchronization © 2005 Microsoft Corporation

24 The Data Center: Sketch

25 © 2005 Microsoft Corporation ADVENTURE WORKS DATACENTRE

26 Data Center: Logical Model

27 Host ToolBox Http Client End point Zone End Point Zone Configuration Settings Editor IIS Web Server IIS Web Site © 2005 Microsoft Corporation

28 Constraint Editor © 2005 Microsoft Corporation

29 Validation Errors Integrated in task list

30 DSI Core Technical Principles SW platforms and tools that enable… Knowledge of an IT System: Architectural intent Operational environment IT policies Resource needs Across platforms To be captured in… Software Models: MOM Management Packs Software update manifests System Definition Model Developer Insight Application Knowledge Operational Practices That can be created, modified and operated on... Across the IT Lifecycle: Develop, Operate, Analyze/Act

31 DSI Roadmap 2005 - 2007 Windows Server 2003 R2(2005) WS-Management Visual Studio(2005) Authoring and validation MOM v3 (2006) Service-level monitoring SMS v4(2007) Desired configuration management SCCM(2007) Capacity planning Windows Vista Server(2007) Role and workload configuration

32 Online Resources Overall DSI background: SDM Overview/Intro level: Partner list: DSI on-line seminar: ar/en/20040213SolArch03/manifest.xml&rate=2 VS2005 and DSI: us/dnvsent/html/vsts-arch.asp VS2005 and SDM: us/dnvs05/html/datacenterdesigner1.asp

33 MMS 2005 DVD Resources SI02:Improving Operational Efficiency with Microsoft Operations Framework (MOF) SI08:Visual Studio Team 2005 Team Architect: Applications of Model Based management SI09:DSI Today - From Health Model to Management Pack SS01:Introducing System Center Reporting Manager SS03:Planning Deployments of Exchange and MOM 2005 with “Indy” SW14:Introduction to Data Protection Server



36 © 2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.

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