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By Aqsa Karbani. WHAT IS OBESITY?  It is one of the biggest health challenges we face today.  OBESSITY:- is a medical condition, where excess body fat.

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Presentation on theme: "By Aqsa Karbani. WHAT IS OBESITY?  It is one of the biggest health challenges we face today.  OBESSITY:- is a medical condition, where excess body fat."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Aqsa Karbani

2 WHAT IS OBESITY?  It is one of the biggest health challenges we face today.  OBESSITY:- is a medical condition, where excess body fat is accumulated, which can have an adverse effect on health.  It can be calculated by BMI- body mass index – this is a measure which compares weight and height.  BMI = subject mass kg/ height m2  Less than18.5 – underweight  18.5-25 – normal range  25- 30 – overweight  More than30 – obese  More than40 – morbidly obese  45-50- super obese  Eg:- an obese man has BMI of 46kg/m2 – weight 146kg, height 177cm  It can be further evaluated in terms of fat distribution via the hip and waist ratio and total cardiovascular risk factors.

3 Causes of obesity  There ar many factors contrubting to obesity the following are just a few examples:-  Excessive caloric intake  Lack of physical activity- a 2008 analyisis in UK found that 63-73 studies(86%) showed an increase in childhood obesity with increased media exposure, with rates increasing proprtionally to time spent watching tv  Genetics- ethnic background ( studies in the UK have proved that male population that are from Black Caribean and Irish groups have higher risk of obesity, and in women those that are from black African, Caribbean and Pakistani,indian background) other factors include slower metabolism rate even when eating normal portion meals. In the UK obesity has become socially more accepted than in other Nations eg – China, where they have actaully redefined obesity, where a BMI greater than 28 is known as being obese.

4 Causes of obesity  Childern who have obese parents have approximately 70% chance of becoming obese compared with children that have normal ranged parents, where they only have 20% chance.  Age- obesity increases with age, peaking at about 65-74yrs old.In this range 30% of men and 34% of women are obese.However, obesity is becomnig more and more common in younger generation.

5 Causes of Obesity  Medical reasons – certain medication can cause weight gain or changes in body composition- thes include insulin, sulfonylureas, atypical antidepressants, steriods, hormonal contraception and certain anticonynulsants.  Physical and mental illnesses – require pharmacutical substances used to treat them that increase the rate of obesity  Obesity is also a rare feature in gentic syndormes such as Prader Willi syndorme, Cohen syndrome as well as congential or accquired syndromeseg Hypothyroidism, Cushings sydrome, growth defieciency and eating disorders – binge eating and night eating dosorders

6 Causes of obesity  Lifestyle plays a significant role in Obesity.  A large focus is due to lack of exercise. Currently 66% of the worlds population get insufficient amount of physical activity.  Other factors that can contribute to a result in obesity are:-  Lack of sleep  Decrease variability in ambient temperature  Decrease or quit smoking – which would otherwise suppress the appetite  Pregnancy at a later age  Increasing use of mechanised transportation and greater use of labour saving technology in the home.  Societies have become increasingly reliant on energy dense, big portion on the go meals, less are taking out the time to cook homemade meals at home.  Societies becoming more career orientated has led to decrease in seeking the time to learn how to learn to cook healthier meals  Stress, depression greater number of hours at work, food is used as a mean of escape.  Bigger portions of food, fast food consumption – agricultural techniques in the UK have lead to lower food prices, it has the made the sources of processed food cheaper compared to fruit and vegatables.  The risk of obesity in England increases the lower your household income especially in women are more effected. Obesity is also more common in adults that are manually employed rather than in professional employment


8 English: Map of Energy consumption (kcal/person/day) per country in 2001-2003. World average was 2800 kcal/ person/day. no data <1600 1600-1800 1800-2000 2000-2200 2200-2400 2400-2600 2600-2800 2800-3000 3000-3200 3200-3400 3400-3600 >3600

9 cityObesity rank 2006 Obesity rank 2005 Bradford14 Liverpool23 Manchest er 31 Newcastle42 Glasgow55 Birmingha m 614 Wolverha mpton 78 Sheffield89 Stoke on trent 96 Leeds1012 Edinburgh1110 Swansea127 Coventry1316 Leicester1418 Plymouth1511 Derby1619 Nottingha m 1716 Cardiff1821 Bristol1915 london2022 Southamp ton 2112

10 Effects of Obesity  Obesity is associated with various diseases particularly:-  Cardiovascular diseases  Diabetes 2  Mellitus type 2  Obstructive sleep apnea  Certain types of cancer  Osteoarthritis  As a result obesity has been found to reduce life expectancy by on average 7yrs. 1 million ( 7.7%) of deaths in the European Union are attributed to excess weight.  It can also increase the risk of physical and mental conditions commonly shown in metabolic syndrome, high blood pressure, cholesterol levels and high triglyceride levels.  Mentally the obese person could suffer from depression also.

11 Impact obesity has on public health and economy  WHO-world health organisation predict that overweight and obesity may overtake more traditional public health concerns such as undernourished and infections and diseases.  Obesity is a public health and policy problem, because of its prevalence, costs and health effects.  Efforts have been made by instilling healthy meal programs at schools, increase bicycle routes and park access.

12 Impact obesity has on public health and Economy  In 2004, th e United Kingdom the United Kingdom Royal College of Physicians, the Faculty of Public Health and the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health released the report "Storing up Problems", which highlighted the growing problem of obesity in the UK. Royal College of PhysiciansFaculty of Public HealthRoyal College of Paediatrics and Child Health  Obesity has also left a strain economically on the country.  Services must accommodate obese people with special facilities eg wheelchairs.  It has become a disadvantage for employment that more people are becoming obese, and thus increase business costs.

13 Solutions to obesity  Healthy diet and exercise is the main treatment for obesity. In order to do this there have been many diet programsset up in order to loose weight. However to keep the weight off can also serve as a problem.sucess rates of long term weight loss maintenance range from 2-20%  undergo bariatric surgery - is another mean to reslove this obesity chrisis is to– however this has major costs, and NHS cannot cover all.this surgery may have complications. This is option for those with BMI above 40, and have failed to loose weight by natural means.  liposuction.  Anti-obesity medication – eg Orbistat, Sibutramine – have been approved by FDA.  Encouragement from medical clinics – educating the people and giving out guidelines and recommendations of how to tackle the problem

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