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By: Kelsey Johnson and Lippter Lee Period 4

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1 By: Kelsey Johnson and Lippter Lee Period 4
Albinism By: Kelsey Johnson and Lippter Lee Period 4

2 Background/History of Albinism
Albinism is a defect of melanin production that causes little or no color to skin, hair, or eyes. Archibald Garrod discovered it in 1908 in London. The earliest records were found in Germany and Rome. Aulus Gellius and Plinius Secundus the Elder were the first two individuals to recognize this disease.

3 How was it named? Albino comes from the Latin word “Albus” which means “white” in English. It uses the word “white” to describe the skin color of the person with the disease.

4 Symptoms and Treatment
Some symptoms are: Lighter hair color Patchy/missing skin Rapid eye movement Light sensitivity (photophobia) Vision problems or functional blindness Treatments include: Depends on severity of the disorder Reduce sunburn Avoid sun rays Either cover body completely in sunscreen or attempt to not expose skin to rays by completely covering body

5 How is it passed on? For the child to have albinism, the albinism gene from the father and the albinism gene from the mother both have to passed on to the kid. The kid needs to have both albinism genes from each parent to have albinism, not just one. If they only have one albino gene, then the child will be considered a “carrier” of an albinism gene. Albinism is controlled by a recessive trait.

6 Interesting Information
There is no set cure for albinism Wearing glasses can help pigment the eyes In medieval times, albinos were often killed because they were said to be apart of witchcraft Albinism can effect plants, animals, and humans Some people with albinism can have yellow or red hair Their eyes can be deep blue, red, or dark brown

7 Sources Board, A.D.A.M. Editorial. Albinism. U.S. National Library of Medicine, 18 Jan Web. 21 Feb "Who Discovered It." Who Discovered It. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Feb "KidsHealth." Albinism. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Feb. 2013

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