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Lenovo and Lean Six Sigma

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1 Lenovo and Lean Six Sigma
题目: Lenovo and Lean Six Sigma 联想与精益六西格玛 演讲嘉宾: Jon Huang (黄震亚), PMP, MBA, MS Lenovo Global Lean Six Sigma Director, Master Black Belt 时间: Nov 14, 2008

2 Myth 谜一样的精益六西格玛 Philosophy Science Art Magic
We don’t know what we don’t know. 无法知道不知道的 Science can’t measure 不可测 don’t know much 知之不多 Art don’t know much 知之不多 can’t control 不可控 can’t control it 不可控 at the mercy of chance 冀望好运 Magic

3 What is Lean Six Sigma ? 何谓
Metrics(标尺,制度,质量体系) Methodology (策略,方法论) Management System (管理系统)

4 What is Lenovo’s LSS Model? 联想模型
1. Define What’s the problem? 问题如何? Who can fix it?谁能解决? What’s the process? 过程如何? 2. Measure Can I explain a problem with data? 我可否用数据解释问题? 3. Analyze What’s the real problem? 真正的问题是什么 4. Improve Let’s improve the process! 让我们改进过程 6. Share Tell others 分享 5. Control Did we improve? 有改进? Did we save money? 有节省? LSS Model

5 Business Challenges 业务挑战
Still heavy and big My OS doesn’t boot ! My customer presentation a hour from now ! Serviceability Cost Quality Competition Can’t find AC outlet I erased my presentation by mistake! Hit ! And broken ! Hung by ESD Tires fingers Opps, Coffee on keyboard ! Forgot my password Customer Expectations Product Quality Complexity Reduction Supply Chain Optimization Technology New Product Development

6 LSS Help Develop PEOPLE
Result Capability LSS Help Develop PEOPLE Business Impact Strategize MBB Mentor and Consult BB Teach and Coach Execution GB Try Tools YB LSS Belt Growth Path Learner User Expert

7 Lenovo’s LSS Direction
Result Capability Lenovo’s LSS Direction A Problem Solving Methodology DMAICS 解决问题的方法论 An Integral Part of Business Management System 管理体系的有机组分 Winning Culture & Financials: LSS  The Way We Do Work Global Direction 全球导向 (with guidance from Steering Committee) Local Execution 地区实施 (By, In and For the Businesses) Business Impact Strengthen Business Alignment 业务匹配 Formalize Governance Process 管理机制 Mobilize LSS Teams & Culture 动员团队 Right Project Right People Right Progress Right Results LSS Capability

8 How does Lean Six Sigma help ?
Result Capability How does Lean Six Sigma help ? Creating Value by eliminating Waste across processes Creating a culture in which: Increasing Customer Value is our Mission Never Ending Improvement is our Guiding Principle The Pursuit of Perfection is our Driving Force And Lean Six Sigma is How We Think & Act Improving Quality by reducing Variability within a process Lean Six Sigma is … Common Methods, Tools & Language 8

9 Success: what is your color ? “成功” 是什么颜色?
LSS = The gene for success 成功的基因 MBB 黑带大师 BB 黑带 GB 绿带 YB 黄带

10 “天下难事必做于易”, “天下大事必做于细”。
2017/4/26 Do the difficult things while they are easy and do the great things while they are small. “天下难事必做于易”, “天下大事必做于细”。 A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step. “千里之行,始于足下”。 Lao Tzu 老子 Placeholder - Presentation title | 6 April, 2006 10


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