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STC Plant Growth and Development Lesson 16: Harvesting and Threshing the Seeds Kennewick School District.

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Presentation on theme: "STC Plant Growth and Development Lesson 16: Harvesting and Threshing the Seeds Kennewick School District."— Presentation transcript:

1 STC Plant Growth and Development Lesson 16: Harvesting and Threshing the Seeds Kennewick School District

2 Overview At the end of the unit, it is satisfying to harvest, or cut, the crop and separate out, or thresh, the seeds. This completes the life cycle of a plant—from seed to seed. Students will be eager to discuss what they have learned and to discover how their new knowledge can lead to new questions and experiments. This is a hidden slide for teacher information. STC Plant Growth and Development Lesson 16: Harvesting and Threshing the Seeds

3 Lesson Objectives  Students harvest and thresh the seeds.  Students count the seeds and compare that number with the original number of seeds planted (8) to determine their profit or loss.  Students think about additional questions they have about plants and experiments that might help answer them. This is a hidden slide for teacher information. STC Plant Growth and Development Lesson 16: Harvesting and Threshing the Seeds

4 Materials list For each student:  Student notebook  1 tray  1 envelope for seed storage  1 pair of scissors (optional)  1 paper cup (optional)  1 quad of dried plants STC Plant Growth and Development Lesson 16: Harvesting and Threshing the Seeds

5 Get your plants and spend a few minutes observing their condition. STC Plant Growth and Development Lesson 16: Harvesting and Threshing the Seeds

6 What do you notice that is different about your plants today? Record your observations in your science notebook (right-hand side). Remember, even though you may be sad seeing your plant in this condition, feelings are not observations. Feelings and thoughts can, however, be recorded on the left-hand side of your notebook. STC Plant Growth and Development Lesson 16: Harvesting and Threshing the Seeds

7 Place your quad on the tray. Harvest the pods by either snapping them off with your fingers. How many pods have you harvested from each plant? What is the total number? Add this data to your science notebook. STC Plant Growth and Development Lesson 16: Harvesting and Threshing the Seeds

8 Gently roll each pod between your hands and over the tray to thresh, or separate, the seeds from the pods. STC Plant Growth and Development Lesson 16: Harvesting and Threshing the Seeds

9 Count all your seeds and record the number in your science notebook. Place the seeds in an envelope for storage. Label the envelope with your name and the date of harvest. If you plan to keep your seeds for a few months, store them in the refrigerator in an airtight container such as a jar or a plastic bag. STC Plant Growth and Development Lesson 16: Harvesting and Threshing the Seeds

10 Compare the yield from this harvest to the original number of seeds planted. Do you have more or fewer seeds than you did when we started? Why? Record your findings in your science notebook. STC Plant Growth and Development Lesson 16: Harvesting and Threshing the Seeds

11 Look at the plants that were not pollinated. What differences do you notice between the plants that were pollinated and the ones that were not? STC Plant Growth and Development Lesson 16: Harvesting and Threshing the Seeds

12 What other questions do you have about plants? How could you find answers to your questions? How would you design an experiment or project to answer your question? STC Plant Growth and Development Lesson 16: Harvesting and Threshing the Seeds

13 Update your Table of Contents STC Plant Growth and Development Lesson 16: Harvesting and Threshing the Seeds

14 harvest To remove the seeds from a plant; to pick a crop. Add this vocabulary word and its meaning to your glossary. STC Plant Growth and Development Lesson 16: Harvesting and Threshing the Seeds

15 thresh To separate the seeds from other plant material. Add this vocabulary word and its meaning to your glossary. STC Plant Growth and Development Lesson 16: Harvesting and Threshing the Seeds

16 yield To produce something naturally or as a result of cultivation (planting). Add this vocabulary word and its meaning to your glossary. STC Plant Growth and Development Lesson 16: Harvesting and Threshing the Seeds

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