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 Write down three words to describe your opinions on smoking.

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Presentation on theme: " Write down three words to describe your opinions on smoking."— Presentation transcript:

1  Write down three words to describe your opinions on smoking

2  All pupils will be able to list at least four chemicals which are found inside cigarettes  Most pupils will be able to describe the short term and long term effects of smoking on the body  Some pupils will be able to construct and evaluate adverts aimed at preventing young people from smoking

3 What chemicals are found inside cigarettes?

4 Hydrogen cyanide Carbon monoxide Nicotine Carcinogens Click through to see what’s inside a cigarette And something you’ll never get from a cigarette… TAR NICOTINE HYDROGEN CYANIDE CARBON MONOXIDE CARCINOGENS AND SOMETHING YOU’LL NEVER GET FROM A CIGARETTE.... OTHER NASTIES!

5 Tar This black, sticky substance clogs the lungs and makes colds, bronchitis and lung disease much more likely. BACK

6 Hydrogen cyanide This is a poisonous gas that is often used to execute prisoners in the USA! And smokers breathe it in with every drag on a cigarette. It damages cells in the lungs. BACK

7 Carbon monoxide The haemoglobin in your red blood cells will pick up carbon monoxide rather than oxygen. This reduces the amount of oxygen carried to the cells in your body. It certainly causes many problems - especially for a developing baby if the mother smokes. BACK

8 Nicotine Nicotine is an addictive drug that acts directly on the brain. It is the reason smokers find it difficult to give up. It also raises the heart rate and blood pressure which can lead to other health problems. BACK

9 Carcinogens Carcinogens are chemicals which cause cancer. We know that tobacco smoke contains a lot of carcinogens, and as a result many more smokers than non-smokers suffer from lung and throat cancers. However, sometimes we do not know exactly which chemicals do the damage.  QUIT BACK


11 Only five a day from age 14 to age 30? Smoke 15 a day for 20 years? 10 a day, every day for a year? 50 years smoking ten a day? something you’ll never get from smoking… Work out how much money you would be spending for each habit. Average cost £4.50 pack of 10.

12  You are going to be given a card sort activity to complete in pairs.  You will need to divide the cards into short term and long term effects of smoking on the body.  Make sure you record some of these ideas in your books as they are likely to appear on your end of unit assessment!!!

13  Smoking during pregnancy  Carbon monoxide in cigarettes reduces the oxygen for the baby  This causes:  Premature birth  Smaller babies  Still births

14 Produce a poster of short and long term effects. Produce a story board of an advert to warn people of the risks. Write a letter to advice someone not to smoke. Form a debate of why people would and should not smoke. Written in your books. Produce a leaflet informing people of risks, short and long term effects of smoking. Write a newspaper article about smoking, highlighting the risks and long term effects.

15  Star  Wish  Teacher can stamp work for you to be able to write your feedback on peers work.

16  Cancer Research have TV adverts to try to put people off smoking.  Today you shall be doing something similar, but first let’s see what the winners did...

17  You may decide you want to make some props... But do not get carried away as the longest amount of time for your advert is 1 minute!  Your advert should be trying to put young people off smoking so it might be a good idea to focus on the risks!

18  On a scale of 1 – 5, how interesting was their advert?  On a scale of 1 – 5, how clear was the message of their advert?  On a scale of 1 – 5, how effective would their advert be of putting young people off smoking? 5 Very good 4 Good 3 Average 2 Poor 1 Very Poor 5 Very good 4 Good 3 Average 2 Poor 1 Very Poor 5 Very good 4 Good 3 Average 2 Poor 1 Very Poor

19 HEAD-something that has made you think BIN-something you did not find interesting BAG- something you will remember and take away HEART- something that you have felt Bin

20  All pupils will be able to list at least four chemicals which are found inside cigarettes  Most pupils will be able to describe the short term and long term effects of smoking on the body  Some pupils will be able to construct and evaluate adverts aimed at preventing young people from smoking

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