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“Electronic media are a typical Dutch topproduct. They stimulate equality, transparency and communication” Willem Woudenberg, partner Eden Design.

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Presentation on theme: "“Electronic media are a typical Dutch topproduct. They stimulate equality, transparency and communication” Willem Woudenberg, partner Eden Design."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Electronic media are a typical Dutch topproduct. They stimulate equality, transparency and communication” Willem Woudenberg, partner Eden Design

2 2 Historical perspective CMD

3 3 From the 80s on, digital media have become fully integrated into our society First their were textual, then visual, and after that multimedial information sources Information has become freely available to a continuously growing group op people

4 4 Free availability of information leads to: a more critical consumer growth of possibilities and choices an ever more democratic consumer Effect: Higher customer-centeredness demands more innovative products and solutions Historical perspective CMD

5 5 Smart objects

6 6 Mobile solutions

7 7 Interface design

8 8 (Serious) Games

9 9 “The internet of things” E.g.: refrigerators will become more and more intelligent. They can analyse what’s inside and when the product on the predefined list are not available, it will be ordered it online.

10 10 The Nike & iPod Sports Kit

11 11 User-centeredness

12 12 User-centeredness demands… What skills are necessary for innovative user-centered products and services: Professionals with a broad oriëntation and interest that can work in a ever changing (technological) workfield that have knowledge of communication, technology, design, human-computer and human-human interaction CMD Breda is a mix of all this

13 13 CMD Breda educates to becoming a strategic and innovative problem-solver that knows how to use design, communication and technology to develop (interactive) new media solutions that comply to the wishes and needs of bussinesses and end-users from all areas of society.

14 14 Keywords CMD Breda

15 15 User-centeredness Multimedial, crossmedial, intermedial Communication (interaction) aimed at providing solutions between user and a system (informationsource) Interdisciplinary Innovative Keywords CMD Breda USER SYSTEM

16 16 Eductation

17 17 Competence based curriculum Education by projects like professional practice Aimed at professional practice Process is important (not only the product) Lot of research, experimenting Students work during the project in teams like in professional practice Characteristics education CMD

18 18 Competence-based learning We analyzed the roles in professional practice to see which skills our students would need to be able to do their work. E.g. competence to analyze a given problem, conceptualize, work in teams, self-assess, reflect on and develop skills etc. Characteristics CMD Breda

19 19 Project-based education Each quarter in years 1 and 2 has a project. Central theme each quarter is a (innovative) new media solution Y1: phases of development of interactive media (analysis, concept, design, realization) Y2: products from various domains in society (work and study, leisure, care and well-being, living) Characteristics CMD Breda

20 20 educational/course lines

21 21 Intermezzo

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30 30 course program CMD

31 31 Specialisations

32 32 Specialisations CMD Breda Information and Interaction Creative Technology Multimedial Design Interaction Strategy

33 33 Specialisations CMD Breda Information and Interaction Accessibility of complex information, interface design, behavioral design, human-computer interaction

34 34 Specialisations CMD Breda Creative Technology Research of new technologies. Creating and realizing technologically innovative new media solutions. Media engineering.

35 35 Specialisations CMD Breda Multimedial Design Design of multimedial- and en crossmedial solutions. Experience design.

36 36 Specialisations CMD Breda Interaction Strategy connects communication problems from organizations to knowledge about target audiences and develops new media communication-strategies end means for this.

37 37 Domain Theory & Reflection Provides the theory lessons Subjects are: philosophy media-ethics theory of culture technology and society

38 38 Domain Professional Skills Provides course elements like: English, Dutch presentational skills interview skills

39 39 Professional Practice

40 40 Professional practice

41 41 Fit?

42 42 Selfselection: When are you fit? creative and exploring attitude Problem solving attitude pro-active attitude independent Broad general education and interest Critical view upon your environment and yourself affinity with new media and people* * You don’t need experience yet

43 43 Admittance No numerus fixus You can ask for an intake interview tegether with the trail study days that are organised this year. Application via

44 44 CMD Breda is part of the Academy of ICT & Media The Academy of ICT & Media has four educations: Communication & Multimedia Design, BIT, IT, CS

45 45 Thank you for your attention

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