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1 CSE 5346 Spring 2016 - Network Simulator Project.

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1 1 CSE 5346 Spring 2016 - Network Simulator Project

2 Project Overview Teams of 2-3 students (no more than 3!!) Teams of 2-3 students (no more than 3!!) –Form teams no later than 2/6/2016 Objective is to develop and deploy a network simulator, configurable with basic router and link capabilities Objective is to develop and deploy a network simulator, configurable with basic router and link capabilities Simulator runs on a single computer (i.e. do not need to use a “real” network connection) Simulator runs on a single computer (i.e. do not need to use a “real” network connection) Each “router” will be distinct, separately configurable process. Each “router” will be distinct, separately configurable process. Simulation Project 2

3 Project Overview Project is due per schedule, and scored, in 5 stages Project is due per schedule, and scored, in 5 stages 1) Single router, single FIFO output queue per link 2) Single router, multiple FIFO queues per link 3) Single router, multiple queues per link, different disciplines 4) Multiple distinct routers (per network diagram, multiple queues per link, different disciplines 5) Multiple distinct routers, with Flow-Aware- Networking (FAN) Required data will be logged and analyzed at each stage Required data will be logged and analyzed at each stage Simulation Project 3

4 4 Project Network R1 R7 R6 R5 R4 R3 R2 Subnet 1 Subnet 2 Subnet 3 Destination 1 Destination a Destination b Destination d Destination c Destination 3 Destination 2

5 Input port functions packet forwarding: download specified forwarding table download specified forwarding table determine output link/queue based on forwarding table determine output link/queue based on forwarding table pass packets to “fabric” process with designated queue information pass packets to “fabric” process with designated queue information Simulation Project 5 line termination link layer protocol (receive) lookup, forwarding queueing data link layer: pass-thru, no function switch fabric (bus, memory, etc.) packet input processing: read packets from link (file) read packets from link (file) manage and record maximum and average link transmission rate manage and record maximum and average link transmission rate pass packets to input queue for forwarding pass packets to input queue for forwarding

6 Input port functions Simulation Project 6 switch fabric line termination link layer protocol (receive) lookup, forwarding queueing line termination link layer protocol (send) datagram buffer(s) queueing fabric processing: read and write packets at “switch rate” (i.e. immediate) read and write packets at “switch rate” (i.e. immediate) one stack of packets per output port/queue one stack of packets per output port/queue

7 Simulation Project 7 Output port functions line termination link layer protocol (send) switch fabric datagram buffer(s) queueing link send processing: write packets to output link (file) write packets to output link (file) manage and record maximum and average link transmission rate manage and record maximum and average link transmission rate output port processing: process packets from switch fabric process process packets from switch fabric process manage specified queuing discipline, per output queue manage specified queuing discipline, per output queue record and log average time/packet/queue record and log average time/packet/queue data link layer: pass-thru, no function

8 source port # dest port # 32 bits application data (variable length) sequence number acknowledgement number receive window URG data pointer checksum F S R PA U head len options (variable length) CWRCWR ECEECE Simulation Project 8 TCP segment structure URG: urgent data (generally not used) ACK: ACK # valid PSH: push data now (generally not used) RST, SYN, FIN: Connection mgmt. (setup, teardown commands) # bytes rcvr willing to accept counting by bytes of data (not segments!) Internet checksum (as in UDP) # 32-bit words in header

9 ver length 32 bits data (variable length, typically a TCP or UDP segment) 16-bit identifier header checksum time to live 32 bit source IP address hdr. len flgs fragment offset upper layer 32 bit destination IP address options (if any) DSCP ECTECT CECE Simulation Project 9 IPv4 datagram structure IP protocol version number header length (bytes) Simulation Project protocol to deliver payload to total datagram length (bytes) service request (QoS) for fragmentation/ reassembly max number remaining hops (decremented at each router) e.g. timestamp, record route taken, specify list of routers to visit.

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