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April 2005 Laboratoire National Henri Becquerel French National Atomic Energy Agency French National Metrology Office Laboratoire National Henri Becquerel.

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Presentation on theme: "April 2005 Laboratoire National Henri Becquerel French National Atomic Energy Agency French National Metrology Office Laboratoire National Henri Becquerel."— Presentation transcript:

1 April 2005 Laboratoire National Henri Becquerel French National Atomic Energy Agency French National Metrology Office Laboratoire National Henri Becquerel Marie-Martine Bé CEA/LNHB F- 91191 Gif sur Yvette, FRANCE

2 April 2005 Laboratoire National Henri Becquerel

3 April 2005 Laboratoire National Henri Becquerel Radioactivity metrology : In order to take part in these exercises LNHB develops or improves apparatus or specific software : (Sources preparation, activity measurements, simulation codes, etc.) Radon 222 Primary standard Activity measurement with the coincidence counting technique Liquid Scintillation counting Ionic chromatography apparatus Tunable Source of X photons Gamma spectrometry software

4 April 2005 Laboratoire National Henri Becquerel Nuclear and Atomic Data Evaluation 1) Which ones ? The data describing the radioactive disintegration : half-life, emission energy and intensity of the various radiations, etc. 2) For which needs ? - metrology : detector calibration, simulation calculations, etc. - medical uses : diagnostic (Tc-99m, Tl-201, F-18, …), therapy (Ir- 192, I-131, Y-90, …) - Nuclear fuel cycle : residual power in the reactor, waste management, control of the nuclear matter, etc. Our lab is involved in the field of nuclear and atomic data evaluation for about 30 years.

5 April 2005 Laboratoire National Henri Becquerel Our work : 1) Data Evaluation, i.e. from : - the published measured values - theoretical calculations - the consistency of the decay scheme 2) To make available the recommended data - « Nucleide », a computerized database, on CD rom - publication of articles and Tables on “paper” - publication of a website : - participation to working groups : RNVL, IAEA, etc. As primary standard laboratory, is to determine data which will be recommended data.

6 April 2005 Laboratoire National Henri Becquerel Decay Data Evaluation Project - The evaluation of data requires a certain time - An international working group has been formed 1995 (DDEP): LNHB (France) PTB (Germany) INEEL et LBNL (USA) KRI (Russia) With the objective of providing carefully recommended data

7 April 2005 Laboratoire National Henri Becquerel The present members of the DDEP are : Marie-Martine Bé (LNHB) Edgardo Browne (LBNL) Richard G. Helmer (INEEL) Valery P. Chechev (KRI) T. Desmond MacMahon (NPL) Alan L. Nichols (IAEA) Rainer Dersch (Replaced E. Schönfeld) (PTB) Vanessa Chisté (LNHB) Coral Baglin (LBNL) Alice Wu (THU) Filip G. Kondev (ANL) and we would be happy to “recruit” new members

8 April 2005 Laboratoire National Henri Becquerel Decay Data Evaluation Project The goals of this group are : - to define a methodology to be used in the evaluations, - for specific data like Q-values or ICC, to choose a recommended set of values from others evaluators. - to provide written documentation of all data used and all decisions and calculations. -the reviewing of each new evaluation by several members of the group. Then, the results of these DDEP works are compiled and edited by the LNHB.

9 April 2005 Laboratoire National Henri Becquerel PUBLICATIONS Web site :

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