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Scientific Method 6 Steps to Follow.

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1 Scientific Method 6 Steps to Follow

2 Scientific Method Scientific Method: A series of organized procedures used to solve problems Is a problem solving technique. All scientist use this method to answer questions. What are the steps? State the Problem Research Form a Hypothesis Test/Experiment Analyze Data Draw a conclusion

3 Purpose of Project Explain why you are doing your project.
Example: I noticed that when we place bread in a drawer it doesn’t get moldy as fast as when it is left on the counter. With the cost of groceries rising, I thought that this experiment might show a way of keeping bread fresher longer and save my family a little money.

4 1.State the Problem In question form.
Must be open-ended. In other words, it can not be answered with a yes or a no. It must be testable. Something you don’t know the answer to. Must be specific.

5 2. Research Used to educate yourself on your topic.
Do use many references from printed sources—books, journals, magazines, and newspapers—as well as electronic sources—computer software and online services. Do gather information from professionals —instructors, librarians, and scientists, such as physicians and veterinarians.

6 Bell Work 9/17/2009 WooHoo it is almost Friday!!! Question:
What do you now know about “Matter”, that you didn’t know before? Get ready to turn in your matter research paragraphs.

7 3. Form a Hypothesis This is your prediction, based on the research you have done, that will answer your purpose statement. It is a prediction that can be tested Your hypothesis will be stated in an “If…., then….” statement. Example: “If fertilizer A is used on the plants, then the plants will grow larger”

8 Variables IV - Independent Variable
What you physically change in the experiment. Example: the amount of light each piece of white bread receives. DV - Dependent Variable The outcome you are desiring to achieve. This variable is what is being measured. Example: the amount of mold grown over a period of time.

9 Variables Con’t Constants - Control -
these are things that could change in the experiment but you will keep the same through each trial. Example: type of bread, same brand of bread, bought on the same day, used same type of light, same room temperature. Control - this is in the norm. you compare everything to this. Example: White bread that is left out based on how it is normally kept at your house.

10 Bell Work 9/18/2009 Identify the IV & DV in the following statement:
If you were measuring the growth rate of plants under full sunlight for 8 hours a day versus plants that only have 4 hours of full sunlight per day.

11 4.Performing the Experiment
List materials needed first. Write the procedure. They must be numbered. In logical order and easy to follow. Do have only one independent variable during an experiment. Do repeat the experiment more than once to verify your results. Do have a control.

12 5. Analyze Data Written description of all data. Facts only.
Examples: Data tables and graphs/charts

13 6. Conclusion: Your conclusion must answer your purpose question and support or reject your hypothesis 1st Paragraph – State whether your hypothesis was correct or incorrect. Explain why - support with research data 2nd Paragraph – State any experimental errors and explain what went right or wrong. What you would do differently to correct any problems, in this experiment 3rd Paragraph – Give your opinion of the lab. Was it helpful, why or why not?

14 Bell Work 9/21/2009 Journal check today, please look for the following in your science journal. 9-14: No BW / Scientific Method notes -5 points 9-15: Notes from internet research over Matter- 10 points 9-16: none 9-17: BW: Question over Matter / Notes: Hypothesis to Variables page – 8 points 9-18: BW: IV & DV example / Notes: Experiment to Conclusion – 8 points

15 10/5: Study guide for Scientific method test 10/6: SM test
Bell Work 10/5/09 10/5: Study guide for Scientific method test 10/6: SM test 10/7: Pass out study guide for benchmark 10/8: Meet in Projection room / Review for final 10/9: Meet in upstairs instructional lab / 1st Quarter Benchmark final test

16 Bell Work Today 10/1 Quiz today!!!
You have few minutes to look through the matter & energy book or look over your vocabulary

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