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Synergy between Energy and Luminosity Frontiers (Summary) 1 Y.Sakai (KEK) 2011.01.12.

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Presentation on theme: "Synergy between Energy and Luminosity Frontiers (Summary) 1 Y.Sakai (KEK) 2011.01.12."— Presentation transcript:

1 Synergy between Energy and Luminosity Frontiers (Summary) 1 Y.Sakai (KEK) 2011.01.12

2 2010: Great Year ! 2 LHC: start taking physics data at 3.5 + 3.5 TeV Luminosity Frontier: SuperKEKB: June; funded ~$100M Dec; Fully approved for FY2011 by Govmnt (will be a final decision after Diet approval) Upgrade(construction) work started ! SuperB: Dec; funded ~20M euro for 2010 by Italian Govnmt ~270M euro for 5 years Energy Frontier:

3 Current Understanding 3 Standard Model 6 quarks & 6 leptons 3 Bosons (Forces) Higgs (mass) Quark mixing CP Violation mixing/mass CPV in mixing New Physics NP particles NP flavor structure (Lepton flavor V.) CPV via NP Unified Theory/Symmetry/Model SUSY, Extra-Dim., 4 th Gen., Little Higgs, …

4 pp  ~ g ~ q ~ ~ qll q _ Direct Production by High Energy Coll. b s  q ~ Virtual Production via Quantum Eff. Tunnel effect Energy Frontier vs Flavor Physics Energy Frontier Luminosity Frontier Luminosity Frontier  ~ Off-diagonal terms Diagonal terms Higher Energy Scale Can be searched (even if LHC finds no New Physics)

5 5 Coupling Golob Plot Minimal Flavor Violating (MFV) Enhanced Flavor coupling

6 Experiments 6 Energy Frontier Luminosity Frontier ILC KEKB/PEP-II SuperKEKB /SuperB K,  -factory experiments  experiments Direct Production (mass, decays) Direct Production (mass, decays) Virtual Production (Flavor Physics) Virtual Production (Flavor Physics) Tevatron LHC LEP

7 LHC 7

8 Luminosities 8 Detector is working excellently !

9 Re-discovery of SM 9

10 10

11 Higgs Search 11 with 10fb - at 8 TeV we can discover the Higgs over the mass range between ~115 and ~600GeV.

12 New Physics: Di-jet Resonance 12 >2.5 TeV String Resonance >1.58 TeV Exited quarks >1.53 TeV Exited quarks

13 Quark Compositeness 13  >0.4 Tev @95%CL

14 14

15 Extra-Dimension: W’ 15 W’ mass >1.36 Tev @95%CL

16 16 Z’      40pb -1 35pb -1 Z’  e  e  CMS PRELIMINARY

17 Black Hole 17

18 SUSY 18

19 HI (Pb-Pb) collisions 19

20 Flavor Physics by Hadron Collider 20

21 Overlapping beauty 1/11/1121/28 B. Casey, SEL11 B  VV polarization CPV in charm mixing B  D ADS K Comparable to B-Factory

22 CPV in Bs-mixing: Hint of NP ? 22 CDF/LHCb result awaited Many theories for NP scenario (Av. to be made) expect less than 2s effect

23 B s      for NP search 23 MSSM +NP? SM BR = (3.2 ± 0.2)  10 –9 in SM

24 LHCb 24 B u +  J/ψ K + B d 0  J/ψ K * B s 0  J/ψ φ σ~11 MeVσ~8 MeVσ~7 MeV Detection of different B species: for B  J/ψ X with 34 pb -1 ~ full statistics Bd0Bd0 Bs0Bs0 A CP (B d 0 )=-0.134±0.041 (HFAG: -0.098±0.012)

25 B Factories 25

26 Belle (Japan) BaBar (US) B-Factories in the World 26

27 Belle/KEKB Integrated luminosity passed 1000 fb -1 (  have to switch to new units, 1 ab -1 ) 27 (fb -1 ) “Intense Analysis Phase”

28 Critical Role of the B factories in the verification of the KM hypothesis was recognized and cited by the Nobel Foundation A single irreducible phase in the weak interaction matrix accounts for most of the CPV observed in kaons and B’s. CP violating effects in the B sector are O(1) rather than O(10 -3 ) as in the kaon system. 2008: 28

29 29 WA, PDG08 B rec = J/ψK S ⁰ + J/ψK L ⁰ still ~20% of room for NP: more precise measurements needed Success of KM model

30 30 WMAP Too small by 10 orders of magnitude in the SM The most compelling hint for new physics in the weak interaction is the BAU

31 Search for New CPV source Latest tension in between tree and penguin B⁰  J/ψK⁰ (b  c) B⁰  φK⁰, η’K⁰ (b  s) 31

32 Sensitivity to new physics from charged Higgs The B meson decay constant, determined by the B wavefunction at the origin H + Search: B +   +   (Decays with Large Missing Energy) (|V ub | taken from indep. measurements.) 32

33 Why measuring  ν  is non-trivial  (4S) B-B- B+B+  e+e+  e B +  + ,  +  e + e  B-XB-X The experimental signature is rather difficult: B decays to a single charged track + nothing 33 Can be measured only by B-Factory ! Also for B  D (*)  B  K Also for B  D (*)  B  K 

34  ν Results 34

35 B Factories versus LHC (ATLAS) for the charged Higgs U. Haisch, hep-ph/0805.2141; ATLAS curve added by Steve Robertson Also see (MSSM),D. Eriksson,F.Mahmoudi and 0.Stal 35

36 and more… 36

37 Hints of New Physics? 37 A(B  K  ) Puzzle CPV in b  s Penguin ? Large D 0 -mixing Theoretical calculations using V ub,  m d,  K Direct measurement CKM Unitarity Triangle SM C 7 = − C 7 SM Forwad-Backword Asy,.B  K* ℓ + ℓ − tree penguin f L (B  VV) ≠ 1 …..

38 38

39 39

40 40 4 th Generation

41 41 4 th Generation

42 Prospect of CKM meas. 42 50 ab -1

43 Identification of NP type 43 mSU GRA MSSM+ R SU(5)+ R U(2) FS degeneratenon- degenerate degenerate non- degenerate A CP (s  ) ✔ S(K*  ) ✔✔✔ S(  ) ✔✔✔ S(  K S ) ✔✔✔ S(B s  J/   ) ✔✔✔ ee ✔✔✔ ?  ✔✔✔✔ ?  e  ✔✔ ? Measurements … … [based on T.Goto PRD77, 095010(2008)] ✔ : deviation from SM SUSY models Identify by the pattern of deviations from SM

44 Physics at Super B-factory 44  D. Hitlin is “DNA chip of New Physics” is “DNA chip of New Physics” + LHC,…

45 45 Complementarity of Flavor Physics (Luminosity Frontier) & Energy Frontier Higgs top W, Z Standard Model LHC observes NP in TeV scale Identify NP type SUSY, Extra Dim. Little Higgs,..? Mechanism of Symm. Breaking CPV via NP Belle II = Compass Energy Frontier Luminosity Frontier New Physics SU(5) + R non-degenerate U(2)FS MSSM + R non-degenerate SU(5) + R degenerate MSSM + R degenerate Map Era of NP Exploration S.Nishida

46 46 Higgs top W, Z Belle II = Compass Energy Frontier Luminosity Frontier SU(5) + R non-degenerate U(2)FS MSSM + R non-degenerate SU(5) + R degenerate MSSM + R degenerate Search by Flavor Physics in Dark In case of No New Physics in TeV scale FCNC process currently gives various limits on NP ⇒ further explore NP Standard Model New Physics Map S.Nishida

47 Comparison with LHCb 47 Complementary !

48 48 2.1x10 34 1.2x10 34 ~10 36

49 e - 7GeV 2.6 A e + 4GeV 3.6 A Target: L = 8x10 35 /cm 2 /s SuperKEKB Colliding bunches Damping ring Low emittance gun Positron source New beam pipe & bellows Belle II New IR TiN-coated beam pipe with antechambers Redesign the lattices of HER & LER to squeeze the emittance Add / modify RF systems for higher beam current New positron target / capture section New superconducting /permanent final focusing quads near the IP Low emittance electrons to inject Low emittance positrons to inject Replace short dipoles with longer ones (LER) SuperKEKB collider

50 Italian SuperB 50 Target: L = 10 36 /cm 2 /s

51 Belle II Detector upgrade 51 51 SVD: 4 DSSD lyrs  2 DEPFET + 4 DSSD lyrs CDC: small cell, long lever arm ACC+TOF  TOP+A-RICH ECL: waveform sampling (+pure CsI end-caps) KLM: RPC  Scintillator +MPPC(end-caps)

52 Luminosity upgrade projection Shutdown for upgrade Integrated Luminosity (ab -1 ) Peak Luminosity (cm -2 s -1 ) Milestone of SuperKEKB Year 9 month/year 20 days/month Commissioning starts mid of 2014 We will reach 50 ab -1 in 2020~2021.

53 53 Start of LHC at 3.5+3.5 TeV: step forward to - Higgs; last missing piece of SM - New Physics Particles Two Super B-factory projects were funded - Belle/BaBar  LHCb/Belle II/SuperB - CPV by NP, Flavor structure of NP Both Energy & Luminosity frontiers are essential & complementary to reveal complete picture of NP ! Both Energy & Luminosity frontiers are essential & complementary to reveal complete picture of NP ! Hope to see exciting physics results It would be a great fun. Why not join !

54 54 Many Thanks to the organizers (T.Aziz et al.) for excellent organization of WS and hospitality and All the speakers/attendants at Workshop

55 Sensitivity: Super-BF vs LHCb 55 (1) Belle II TDR

56 Sensitivity: Super-BF vs LHCb 56 (2) Belle II TDR

57 Sensitivity: Super-BF vs LHCb 57 (3) Belle II TDR

58 Theoretical Insights on New Physics Scenarios 58

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