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Reflection Journal Librarian: Judy Brenner Campus: Gleason Elementary School Date: October 14, 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Reflection Journal Librarian: Judy Brenner Campus: Gleason Elementary School Date: October 14, 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reflection Journal Librarian: Judy Brenner Campus: Gleason Elementary School Date: October 14, 2008

2 SECTION ONE Respond to the following: If ‘Resilience’ is the measure of a student’s capacity to meet sustained challenges, complex tasks and new information, how does your library contribute to building greater resilience? The Gleason Elementary Library strives to provide all six elements of the Resiliency Wheel. We provide caring and support by striving to call students by their name and endeavoring to know something personal about them. The library also has a bulletin board which highlights students achievements. We set and communicate high expectations and provide meaningful opportunities with each book talk or library lesson. We have increased social bonding by including all students in our

3 SECTION ONE, cont. Response continued: fifth grade book club which meets at lunch/recess time. We set clear and consistent boundaries in library conduct and student responsibilities for returning their books. Life skills are also taught in that there are rewards and consequences for our actions..

4 SECTION TWO Respond to the following: Much discussion has taken place about technology integration in 21st century schools. How are CFISD libraries changing to be integral to the core instructional and behavioral practices that lead to student success? Gleason Elementary Library is very fortunate to have a principal who is ahead of the game and knows that the library is the heart of the school. She gives me countless opportunities to influence instruction in the classroom and in the use of technology. For the first several years as librarian I was also Technology Liaison for my school and was able to conduct technology classes in my library office and model to teachers the importance of technology. From my book talks I can also model the use of technology with Smartboards, document cameras, etc.

5 SECTION TWO, cont. Response continued: This year I am heading our Instructional Focus Team where I meet weekly with teachers to discuss teaching strategies and curriculum. Being a member of our A Team keeps me in the loop with grade level needs and I am part of the decision making group when problems arise.

6 SECTION THREE Respond to the following: Compare your school library to the Resiliency model and identify the tipping point, the first small change that will bring about great change that will recreate your library as the heart beat of the school and create change in the building. I feel like our school has already moved to that point because of our principal. Sandra McNeely (Gleason principal) was first a librarian and truly believes that the library is the heart of the school. She guards the library time and as preciously as she guards classroom instruction time.

7 SECTION THREE, cont. Response continued: I personally am looking for change with at our at-risk students. These are some ideas: Library open on Saturday Mini-library/Homework Center at the mobile home part where the majority of at-risk students live Club that meet before school Mentors

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