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You need a Librarian Lisa Hunt, LMS/NBCT. Teacher Instructional Consultant Information Technologist Administrator.

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Presentation on theme: "You need a Librarian Lisa Hunt, LMS/NBCT. Teacher Instructional Consultant Information Technologist Administrator."— Presentation transcript:

1 You need a Librarian Lisa Hunt, LMS/NBCT

2 Teacher Instructional Consultant Information Technologist Administrator


4 Reading Literature – infusion of literature that demonstrates character, setting and plot. Picture books are short stories and provide clear examples of point of view, theme, conflict and resolution. Your librarian has rich and deep knowledge of the literature to meet your needs. ervlet/presentadvancedsearchredirectorfor elCatalog

5 Reading Informational Text – this standard appears In most grade level standard lists. The best way to learn to use parts of the book is actually using the parts to access information. The most effective non-fiction books have these book parts and using a series allows students to follow the same structures. Don’t forget author notes and end matter!!!

6 Writing narrative text as a well-elaborated event/story is a standard found throughout the grade levels under the Writing standard – 3. Use wordless picture books to begin training students to elaborate with more detail and description.

7 Number & Operations standards with decimals – The Dewey Decimal System of organization uses 3-digit numbers with decimals to the hundredths and thousandths places. The library is a place to Experience real world application of decimal ordering. Many resources are available, and your librarian can help you find online games, lessons, and more.

8 Mean, median and mode Students practice locating books on the shelves, work in teams, and time themselves. This was a successful collaboration between me and the 4 th grade Math teacher.

9 Even though CC standards only cover Math and Reading/LA right now you can certainly see how our other curricular areas can be included. Reading Informational Text standards are met and supported teaching Science and Social Studies. Library research collaborations

10 As an Instructional Partner/Consultant I have the time and experience to locate additional resources as you develop your lessons. A Bear Named Trouble, by Marion D. Bauer

11 The school library is a public space and all are welcome. The librarian is the best resource in your building for literature expertise, instructional design and technology integration. Be a consumer and expect to find help, support and partnership in your school library.

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