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3.4 resolving consumer problems. Small claims court States establish the maximum claim size. TTypically from $1,000 to $10,000 AADVANTAGES to small.

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Presentation on theme: "3.4 resolving consumer problems. Small claims court States establish the maximum claim size. TTypically from $1,000 to $10,000 AADVANTAGES to small."— Presentation transcript:

1 3.4 resolving consumer problems

2 Small claims court States establish the maximum claim size. TTypically from $1,000 to $10,000 AADVANTAGES to small claims court: 1.You don’t need a lawyer. Lawyers are not allowed to represent clients in small claims court 2.Court costs are low, usually under $250 3.Most cases are resolved quickly.

3 Small claims court Make sure to take all information with you to court ▫(▫(info. on the product, date of purchase and date of return, action you took to return the product, difficulties you encountered) Make sure you exhaust all other options before court! ▫I▫If you don’t win, you usually have to pay the defendant’s costs! Even if you win, the court does not collect the judgment for you. ▫S▫Sometimes the defendant doesn’t pay, and you have to hire a lawyer and take them to a higher court SSometimes costs more than the amount you win in the small claims case.

4 JUDGE JUDY Episode Write down:  What was the case?  Who won?  How much did they Win?  Did Judge Judy Make the right ruling  Would you ever go On Judge Judy?

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