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ELL PROGRAMS Presented to Hubble staff Making Choices for Excellence PBIS Team Leaders Presentation 2013-2014 PBIS Positive Behavior Intervention Supports.

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Presentation on theme: "ELL PROGRAMS Presented to Hubble staff Making Choices for Excellence PBIS Team Leaders Presentation 2013-2014 PBIS Positive Behavior Intervention Supports."— Presentation transcript:

1 ELL PROGRAMS Presented to Hubble staff Making Choices for Excellence PBIS Team Leaders Presentation 2013-2014 PBIS Positive Behavior Intervention Supports East Aurora District 131

2 East Aurora School District #131 Purpose of the PBIS Update To provide specific expectations moving forward To provide a summary of updates To provide a consistent message

3 East Aurora School District #131 What is PBIS? A broad range of proactive, systemic individualized strategies for achieving important social and emotional learning outcomes in a safe and effective environment while preventing problem behaviors with all students.

4 Referrals5 minutes20 minutes10 minutes In-School Suspension 5 minutes6 hours20 minutes Out of School Suspension 5 minutes6 hours45 minutes Why PBIS?: Time Lost to Discipline (Barrett and Swindell-2002) Teacher Student Administrator East Aurora School District # 131

5 Overview of Expectations Be Responsible Be Respectful Be Safe

6 East Aurora School District #131 School-Wide Systems for Student Success: A Response to Intervention (RtI) Model Tier 3/Tertiary Interventions 1-5% Individual students Assessment-based High intensity 1-5%Tier 3/Tertiary Interventions Individual students Assessment-based Intense, durable procedures Tier 2/Secondary Interventions 5-15% Some students (at-risk) High efficiency Rapid response Small group interventions Some individualizing 5-15%Tier 2/Secondary Interventions Some students (at-risk) High efficiency Rapid response Small group interventions Some individualizing Tier 1/Universal Interventions 80-90% All students Preventive, proactive 80-90%Tier 1/Universal Interventions All settings, all students Preventive, proactive Academic Systems Behavioral Systems Illinois PBIS Network, Revised May 15, 2008. Adapted from “What is school-wide PBS?” OSEP Technical Assistance Center on Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports. Accessed at

7 East Aurora School District #131 District PBIS Committee Members David Brusak – Director of School Improvement/ASC Sara Thompson - Dean/East Aurora High School Melinda Creech - Social Worker/Cowherd Middle School Sherrill Dodson-Lewis - Social Worker/Johnson Elementary School Sara Imthurm - Union President Anthony Pelligrini- Teacher/East Aurora High School Bob Pape – Principal/Allen Elementary School Sandra Sarmiento- PBIS Facilitator/CSC Matt Willigman - Assistant Principal/Waldo Middle School James Ferguson – Assistant Director of Student Supports/CSC Jessica Andrews- Behavior Interventionist/East Aurora High School Jill Deets – RTI Facilitator/ASC Kristi Pokornowski – RTI/PBIS Coach Ines Sem – RTI/PBIS Coach Michele Brown – Director of Discipline Maritere Pesante – Teacher/ ECC

8 East Aurora School District #131 Building Team Leaders Universal Secondary Tertiary/Systems RtI/PBIS Coach

9 East Aurora School District #131 The 3 Tiers of PBIS TIER 1: Provides support, teaches and re- teaches all students – 80% to 90% of students should respond to Tier 1 supports TIER 2: Provides group interventions for 5% - 15% of students TIER 3: Provides individual interventions to 1% - 5 % of students and monitors interventions at all three tiers

10 East Aurora School District #131 Tier 1 P rovides support, teaches and re-teaches all students – 80% to 90% of students should respond to Tier 1 supports

11 East Aurora School District #131 Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports: A Response to Intervention RtI) Model Tier 1/Universal Teach behavior school wide Acknowledge students school wide Assessment of universal implementation Intervention Assessment

12 East Aurora School District #131 Tier 1/Universal Team 1. Reviews data Referrals by student Referrals by location Referrals by time Referrals by behavior Referrals per day, per month 2. Plans behavior teaching schedule 3 times per year Student “Kick-off” in August Re-teach in January Re-teach after Spring Break Data driven monthly or quarterly celebrations 3. Plans for student acknowledgement and teacher acknowledgment year round

13 East Aurora School District #131 Tier 1/Universal Team Continued 4. Assessment of implementation and action plan with the team: a) Implementation Checklist b) Benchmarks of Quality c) The Self-Assessment Survey *All students have access to universal supports *

14 East Aurora School District #131 OLWEUS: Tier 1 Olweus is a research based bully prevention curriculum and component of universal supports and implementation. The committee will continue to meet to identify specifics Professional Development provided to all staff and students on best practices to prevent bullying behaviors in East Aurora

15 East Aurora School District #131 Tier 2/Secondary Team Provide group interventions for 5%-15% of students

16 East Aurora School District #131 Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports: A Response to Intervention (RtI) Model Tier 1/Universal Teach behavior school wide Acknowledge students school wide Assessment of universal implementation Check-in Check-out (CICO) Group Intervention with Individualized Feature (e.g., Check and Connect - CnC and Mentoring) ODRs,Credits, Attendance, Tardies, Grades, ISS, OSS SWIS Data (Behavior and Academic Goals) Infinite Campus Social/Academic Instructional Groups (SAIG) Intervention Assessment

17 East Aurora School District #131 Tier 2/Secondary Team Provide group interventions to 5%-15% of students through implementation and progress monitoring: 1). Check In/Check Out 2). Social Academic Instructional groups 3). Mentoring Assesses the effectiveness of Secondary Interventions. *In order to assist Social and Academic Instructional groups, Social Workers will now be provided with to research-based curriculum at each building*

18 East Aurora School District #131 Tier 2.5/Problem Solving Team Problem Solving Teams focus on individual students - 5% to 15% of the student population. *Beginning 2013-2014, Functional Behavior Assessments and Behavior Intervention Plans process will become the responsibility of the 2.5 Problem Solving Team level.*

19 East Aurora School District #131 Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports: A Response to Intervention (RtI) Model Tier 1/Universal Teach behavior school wide Acknowledge students school wide Assessment of universal implementation Check-in Check-out (CICO) Group Intervention with Individualized Feature (e.g., Check and Connect - CnC and Mentoring) Brief Functional Behavior Assessment/ Behavior Intervention Planning (FBA/BIP) ODRs,Credits, Attendance, Tardies, Grades, ISS, OSS Daily Progress Report (DPR) (Behavior and Academic Goals) Competing Behavior Pathway, Functional Assessment Interview, Scatter Plots, etc. Social/Academic Instructional Groups (SAIG) Tier 2/ Secondary Intervention Assessment Tier 2.5 Problem Solving

20 East Aurora School District #131 Tier 2.5/Problem Solving Team The development and implementation of the FBA/BIP is a team process, however, facilitation will be provided by a clinician. Layered interventions will be provided to students until the right interventions is in place. The goal is to provide all students access the general education environment and curriculum.

21 East Aurora School District #131 Tier 3/System Team/Wraparound Facilitators Provide individual interventions to 1% - 5 % of students: – 1. Monitor the effectiveness of interventions at all three Tiers – 2. Identify challenges and the need for resources or changes at all three Tiers *Wraparound documentation has been streamlined this year. All students receiving Tertiary supports will be identified via Wraparound Documents approved by the PBIS Committee *

22 East Aurora School District #131 Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports: A Response to Intervention (RtI) Model Tier 1/Universal Teach behavior school wide Acknowledge students school wide Assessment implementation school wide SIMEO Tools: HSC-T, RD-T, EI-T Check-in/ Check-out (CICO) Group Intervention with Individualized Feature (e.g. Mentoring) Brief Functional Behavior Assessment/ Behavior Intervention Planning (FBA/BIP) Complex or Multiple-domain FBA/BIP Wraparound/Renew ODRs, Attendance, Tardies, Grades, ISS, OSS Daily Progress Report (DPR) (Behavior and Academic Goals) Competing Behavior Pathway, Functional Assessment Interview, Scatter Plots, etc. Social/Academic Instructional Groups (SAIG) Tier 2/ Secondary Intervention Assessment Tier 2.5/ Problem Solving Tier 3/Tertiary

23 East Aurora School District #131 Tier 3/System Team/ Wraparound Facilitators Monitor and assess fidelity and implementation from Tier 1 to Tier 3 Build upon a simple behavior plan with a complex plan Develop and provide ongoing supports within family and student team wraparound/renew process

24 East Aurora School District #131 PBIS: Implementation with Fidelity Fidelity – The quality or state of being faithful An important component of implementation Accuracy and details

25 East Aurora School District #131 How do we know if implementation is effective or not? Data Progress Monitoring

26 East Aurora School District #131 Who is Responsible for Implementing PBIS? EVERYBODY! All East Aurora staff and affiliated agencies

27 East Aurora School District #131 Who is responsible for PBIS? Everybody!

28 East Aurora School District #131 Where does PBIS happen? Everywhere! In the hallways In the cafeteria In the classroom On the playground On the bus During fieldtrips During school hours Before and after school activities

29 East Aurora School District #131 When should we implement PBIS ? All Day, Every Day!

30 East Aurora School District #131 When should we implement PBIS ? On your worst day on the job, you are still some child’s best hope Larry Bell Motivational Speaker LARRY BELL Motivational Speaker

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