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Elementary Education In a Technology Age Gregory Gates Period 5.

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1 Elementary Education In a Technology Age Gregory Gates Period 5

2 Why is there need for a change?  New technologies encourage a digital revolution in education  Technology isn't being used properly  New Technology-same teaching methods

3 Computers, Television, and Finger Paint Which one doesn't belong? Computers are certainly closer to TV than finger paint right now Educators need to change this Computers right now are mainly being used as just an information medium Potential for more creativity and interactivity Idea from “Rethinking Learning in a Digital Age” by Mitchel Resnick

4 How can Computers Improve Education? Universal Construction Material All Ages Students learn better when actively involved in doing something* *Papert, S. The Children’s Machine: Rethinking School in the Age of the Computer. New York: Basic Books, 1993.

5 My Project Implement something akin to a “Computer Clubhouse” at a local elementary school Students will use Scratch SOL and POS Benchmarks will also be addressed

6 Scratch Developed at MIT Interactive Programming Environment “Imagine-Program-Share” Uses visual blocks of code Ability to easily share projects on web (‏

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