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Resident Engineer Panel Discussion Jack Stone, P.E. District 2 Engineer, Casper Chad Aagard, P.E. District 2 Engineer, Casper Pete Hallsten, P.E. District.

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Presentation on theme: "Resident Engineer Panel Discussion Jack Stone, P.E. District 2 Engineer, Casper Chad Aagard, P.E. District 2 Engineer, Casper Pete Hallsten, P.E. District."— Presentation transcript:

1 Resident Engineer Panel Discussion Jack Stone, P.E. District 2 Engineer, Casper Chad Aagard, P.E. District 2 Engineer, Casper Pete Hallsten, P.E. District 3 Engineer, Pinedale

2  Preliminary Claim Avoidance ◦ Plans and Specification Development ◦ Pre-bid ◦ Review Bid Tabulations ◦ Review Construction Schedules  Claim Avoidance During Construction ◦ Pre-104


4  Plans and Specification Development ◦ Plans and Specs - Clear and Concise  Are the plans and specs complete  Review the project as a complete package (not always possible)  Manna From Heaven  Will the Contractor have the same information we have?  Soils Profile, Borrow Drill Logs, etc.  Is the work to be performed clearly described  Details vs. Standard Plans  Standard Plans References  e.g., traffic control signing at interchanges  Special Provisions vs. Supplementary Specs vs. Standard Specs  Have a clear understanding of document hierarchy and which form of the spec is appropriate.  Read and understand Specials and Specs (HDPE Pipe)  Are specials and/or specs consistent with plans and summaries/quantities?

5  Plans and Specification Development ◦ Plans and Specs - Clear and Concise  Are the appropriate payment mechanisms in place  Are the correct bid items and method of measurement being used (CY vs TON)  Incidental Work .5.2 – Reference Sections for Direct Payment  e.g., Pipe replacements and removal of existing pipe  Minimize risk  Are we placing unnecessary responsibility/risk on the contractor? ◦ Ambiguity  Are there conflicting specs, notes, etc.  Is the intent clear.


7  Plans and Specification Development ◦ Summaries and Quantity Checks  Are the summaries clear?  Are quantities accurate. (Splices)  Take the time to perform quantity checks  Start Early  Have corrections made to the plans  Late changes can be made ◦ Constructability and Contract Time  Review the project as a complete package  How would you build it – Develop a rudimentary construction sequence  Identify restrictions or other stumbling blocks that could effect time  Is there sufficient contract time  Are there seasonal or weather limitations that could extend contract time  Chip seals, landscaping planting times


9  Plans and Specification Development ◦ Construction Requirements  Restrictions – Environmental, Wildlife, Local Holidays or Events, etc.  Coordination Clauses – Utilities, landowners, etc.  Windows, Partial Completion Dates  Are they necessary? – Are they achievable? (Bonus for nothing?)  Liquidated Damages & Incentives  Are they aligned with project intent?  Are amounts appropriate?  What is the desired result?  Creating scheduling conflicts  Sequence of Work  Is a specific sequence necessary  Typically removes flexibility  K.I.S.S. -

10  Pre-Bid ◦ Plan Job Showing  Create notes to ensure uniformity and accurate representation of the contract documents.  Stick to the contract documents  Do not speculate or offer opinions  Preserve the bidding process  Ensure each bidder has the same information  Know the documents that are available to the bidders ◦ Take note of what prospective bidders are saying/asking  May lead to an error or lack of clarity in the contract documents.  Evaluate issues to determine course of action  Have an addendum issued if necessary

11  Review Bid Tabulations ◦ Compare line item unit costs for all bidders  Unusually high (or low) units costs can be a red flag  Investigate those unit costs that seem out of line  Review Construction Schedules ◦ Watch for accelerated schedules ◦ Do durations seem reasonable ◦ Get updated schedules as work progresses per 108.3.2  Compare schedules and evaluate changes to the time line - critical path, durations, etc.

12  Pre-104 ◦ Listen and Observe - Early Recognition  Listen! – Contractors will often tip you off when there is a potential problem – sometimes before it becomes a problem  Observe the contractors operations and take note of work activities they are struggling with.  Be proactive – initiate conversation with the contractor ◦ Know your Contractor

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