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Human Impacts on the local Environment Part 3-Lesson 1.

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1 Human Impacts on the local Environment Part 3-Lesson 1

2 Introduction What is the difference between humans and other animals? We can manipulate the environment, all other life forms are governed by it.

3 Introduction Humans have manipulated the environment to suit our needs. Survival rates have increased and populations have grown dramatically. We now inhabit pretty much every environment on the planet.

4 Managing the Local Environment Environmental manipulation means that every habitat we live within, we impact on the environment. Such impacts include: Land Clearing Introduction and growth of crops Introduction of new species to non-native places Exploitation or resources Pollution of the air, water and soil All of which have an impact on the environment

5 Managing the Local Environment Urbanisation affects the abundance and diversity of plants and animals within an ecosystem as well as the quality and flow of water in local waterways. Summarise the changes in Menindee: 1852 Tom Pain set up a river trade port 1855 Sheep stations opened in area 1875 Wool Shed built 1883 143,000 sheep at Kinchega 1900’s fruit How has this impacted our local environment?

6 Managing the Local Environment We now have a better understanding of these impacts which were unavailable to earlier generations. It’s up to governments, businesses and communities to make an effort to minimise the harmful effects we have on the environment, specifically the local environment. Human activities should be tailored to have positive and regenerative impacts. Is this possible everywhere and all the time?

7 Managing the Local Environment Activity Split into three groups and brainstorm the following. Discuss together 10 practices we can adopt at home to reduce resource negative impacts on the environment 10 practices local business can adopt to reduce negative impacts on the environment 10 practices local councils can do to reduce negative impacts on the environment

8 Homework Read page 70 Prelim Spotlight Text Update electronic vocab Complete DOT Points 3.1 pg 45

9 Human Impacts on the local Environment Part 3-Lesson 2

10 Local Environmental Impacts: A Case Study Independently students will complete a case study as described in Activity 2.18 Prelim Spotlight Text pg 71 Students will prepare this in their notebooks or in a WORD Document Towards the end of the lesson students will share their studies

11 Homework Complete DOT Point 5.4 pg 57

12 Human Impacts on the local Environment Part 3-Lesson 3

13 A Residential Development Scenario Activity: Read and discuss activity 2.19 on page 71 Prelim Spotlight Text Have students answer questions in their notebooks Complete and discuss DOT Point 5.1-5.2 (pg 55) together Have students answer questions in their notebooks

14 Homework Complete ‘To Think About’ pg 72-73 Prelim Spotlight Text

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