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T HE G AME L OOP. A simple model How simply could we model a computer game? By separating the game in two parts: – the data inside the computer, and –

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2 A simple model How simply could we model a computer game? By separating the game in two parts: – the data inside the computer, and – everything outside the computer. So, outside the computer, we have (at the very least) the player. Inside the computer we have all sorts of data, but the most important is what we call the game state: it contains all the dynamic information of the game: the position of the player, monsters and camera; the current time; the score – in essence, everything that changes with time.

3 A simple model A computer game can then be understood as a system in which those two entities – player and game state – interact with each other according to a specific pattern of rules. The player inputs data into the system, and the system uses the game state to generate output to display to the player. The difference is how that behaves in respect with time.

4 The Game Loop Applications are developed in a reactive way. With games, your code is constantly being invoked, even in the absence of user input. void GameClass::main() { init(); runMainLoop(); deInit(); } while (running) { processInput(); updateGameState(); drawScreen(); } Main Loop

5 A More Sophisticated Main Loop The loop pseudo-code above suffers from a major flaw: it will run at unpredictable speeds – on fast machines it might run thousands of times per second (which would be a waste), and on slow machines it might run on unacceptably slow speeds – perhaps only five updates per second or so. Besides the obvious issues, this makes the game much harder to program – it’s much easier to write your game logic when you know that you’ll have a fixed number of steps per second.

6 A More Sophisticated Main Loop Consider this: the player presses the right arrow, and you store a flag containing that information. Now, on every step, regardless of any player action, you’ll move the player to the right by 1 unit in the game state (which, let’s say, corresponds to 1 pixel on the screen). If the game runs at 5 Hz (that is, 5 updates per second), the player will move VERY slowly. If it runs at 5000 Hz, he’ll be out of the screen before you can even see it!

7 Select one of the shown genre of game (assuming a 2D game). Think about the game in terms of how it looks, the features that it has, the things that it does. Try to identify common aspects that most games in the genre will share in terms of features and behaviour. Easy: Hard: Puzzle game Adventure game Racing game Platform game Rhythm game

8 Things most 2D game have... Front-end (titles, menus) Assets Graphical assets (animations, backgrounds) Sound assets (sfx, background music) Objects In-game objects (sprites, platforms, etc.) HUD objects (score, lives, time, etc.) Object Containers Levels, Areas, Maps Input Events {other things as needed} Things most 2D games do... Once per game/per level Load assets Construct objects Populate containers Lots of times / second Consider input events Update objects Draw graphics Consider sounds {other things as needed} Note: There is no correct answer. Each model will impose a certain set of assumptions, suiting some types of game but not others.

9 Game Container construct { Build objects() } update { Update objects() } draw { Draw objects() } object Game Object construct { Load assets() Build containers() } Game Engine run { loop { Update active layers() Draw visible layers() } Game consists of objects (player, collectables, score, etc.). Assets are loaded at runtime and can be managed via an asset manager Input events may be ‘consumed’ by the main game loop, layers and/or objects Objects reside within a container (front-end, game level, config screen, etc.) Asset Manager Input Events There may be separate update/draw management for game containers

10 T HE U PDATE /D RAW L OOP The central mechanism to evolve and render game objects

11 Timers ● Most games require a timer to manage the game loop ● Early games used the machine as the timer ○ the update/render loop would run as fast as possible (tied to processor speed) ○ used as typically no spare CPU resource and common platform hardware ○ Approach does not scale to varied platforms or increased hardware capabilities

12 Early Approaches ● Early solution was to use a fixed frame rate as the timer (with one update/render tick every frame) set up fixed rate ticker ( 30/s ) when( tick event ) { update() render() } while( running ) { record tStart update() render() record tEnd if( tEnd-tStart < tickPeriod ) wait( tickPeriod – (tEnd-tStart)) } Why is this problematic? ● UPS reduced if update and draw take too long ● game runs slower, not just displayed with lower FPS

13 Assume you have access to the following methods ● update() – update all game objects ● render() – draw all game objects ● time() – get the current time (ms) ● sleep(ms) – sleep for specified number of ms And the following constraint and target: ● ups –number of update/s (constraint) ● fps – equal to ups (target) Develop an algorithm that adapts to different update and render loads. Hint: The fps should be reduced to ensure the ups remain on target. Optional: Produce an algorithm that compensates for timing/sleep inaccuracies (see SleepTimerTest in the Java Code Repository)

14 while( running ) { tBefore = time() update() render() tAfter = time() sleepTime = updatePeriod - (tAfter - tBefore) - overTime if( sleepTime > 0 ) { sleep( sleepTime) overTime = time() - tAfter - sleepTime } else { timeBeyondPeriod = timeBeyondPeriod - sleepTime overTime = 0 while( timeBeyondPeriod > updatePeriod ) { update() timeBeyondPeriod = - updatePeriod }}}}}} updatePeriod = 1000 / UPS timeBeyondPeriod = 0 overTime = 0 Period Loop 1 Loop 2 s o r u Period Loop n Loop m

15 ● Previous slide can be viewed as a form of semi-decoupling ● The AI (update) runs at a fixed rate as before, but the frame (draw) rate just runs as fast as it possibly can (however, no real point running faster than the update loop).

16 ● “Full” decoupling runs the update loop as fast as possible ● A variable interval duration and delta (change) value are used: ○ on faster machines more AI ticks/s with a smaller delta value ○ on slower machines ticks take longer and the delta value will be larger

17 When designing game objects decouple the update and render behaviours. Ask two separate questions: ‘how will I update this’ and ‘how will I draw this’ e.g. for an animation, select the animation to be display in the update phase and render it in the draw phase The draw phase should not change the game state (i.e. properties, etc. of objects, it should simply visualise the game state)

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