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Community Schools: A Strategy, Not a Program Jane Quinn Assistant Executive Director for Community Schools The Children’s Aid Society.

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Presentation on theme: "Community Schools: A Strategy, Not a Program Jane Quinn Assistant Executive Director for Community Schools The Children’s Aid Society."— Presentation transcript:

1 Community Schools: A Strategy, Not a Program Jane Quinn Assistant Executive Director for Community Schools The Children’s Aid Society

2 What is a Community School? A community school is both a place and a set of partnerships between the school and other community resources. Its integrated focus on academics, services, supports and opportunities leads to improved student learning, stronger families and healthier communities. (From Coalition for CS)

3 A Second Definition… A Community School is Characterized by: Extended Services Extended Hours Extended Relationships (“swinging door”)

4 Developmental Triangle core instructional program enrichment – educational & cultural removing barriers to learning & development health dental mental health social services

5 Several well-known models: Beacons Bridges to Success Children’s Aid Society Community Schools Communities in Schools Healthy Start Polk Brothers Full-Service Schools Schools of the 21 st Century (Yale) WEPIC (University of Pennsylvania)

6 Conditions for Learning (CCS) Solid core instructional program Students motivated and engaged Basic needs of children/families met Mutual respect among parents, families and school staff Community engagement contributes to positive climate for learning

7 Research Base Making the Most of Non- school Time Reginald Clark Milbrey McLaughin Deborah Vandell Enrichment & Developmental Domains Resiliency theory James Comer Parents’ Active Role Epstein & Henderson Epstein – middle school findings Coordinated Services Caring Adults in Child’s Life Fritz Ianni Jacquelyn Eccles

8 CAS Community Schools Three Defining Characteristics: Comprehensiveness Coherence Commitment

9 Key Program Components After-School and Summer Enrichment Parent Involvement Adult Education Medical, Dental, Mental Health and Social Services Early Childhood Community and Economic Development

10 Results of CAS Community Schools Improved academic performance Higher attendance rates Positive school climate Improved school safety Greater parent involvement Improved student-teacher relationships Teachers able to focus on education

11 National Movement National Coalition for Community Schools founded in 1998 21 st Century CLC program grows from $1 million to $1 billion over five years Rep. Steny Hoyer sponsoring full- service schools legislation Several cities/districts “going to scale” New Federal grants program (2008)

12 Challenges in Growing the Work National education policy in the US has a very narrow focus (NCLB) Funding streams are incoherent and unstable & health system is broken Policymakers want a quick fix, not a comprehensive, long-term strategy Reform landscape is crowded

13 Reasons for Optimism Both Democratic candidates are talking about the “whole child” Increased understanding in U.S. Congress about limitations of NCLB 900 Letters of Intent for FSCS program 1,000 participants attending Coalition conference next week More and better evaluation results

14 In Conclusion… The community school movement in the US is alive and well School health and community school advocates are working together effectively to affect policy and practice There is increasing evidence of the effectiveness of this approach, especially for poor children

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