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Report Group I Union background : April - Hong Kong - Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Union - 62 national federation affiliated - 160.000 membership.

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2 Report Group I Union background : April - Hong Kong - Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Union - 62 national federation affiliated - 160.000 membership

3 Rigo - East Timor - East Timor Trade Union Confederation - over than 2500 membership - 6 national federation affiliated

4 Karki - Nepal - General Federation of Nepales Trade Union - 310.575 membership - 16 national federation affiliated

5 Evita - Indonesia - Confederation of Indonesian Prosperity Trade Union - 1.5 million total membership - 11 national federation affiliated

6 Hamida - Bangladesh - Sramik Karmachari Oikya Parishad - SKOP - Bangladesh Jatiyatabadi Sramik Dal - BJSD - 310.460 total membership - 26 national affiliated

7 General Issues Liberalisation of Trade TNCs / MNCs Influence to the National Policy Globalising Finance –stock market

8 Unemployment Polarisation Casualisation –outsourcing, sub-contracting, –part time Informal Economy –Self employment Domestication – home work

9 Impact of Globalisation Increasing power of MNCs/TNCs/IFIs. –Bargaining power –access to influence of the National policies. Privatisation Unemployment –effect of TNCs –effect of ITC

10 Casualisation –part time –outsourcing, sub-contract –No employment benefits –Losing social security Informal Economy

11 Transform of the Capital Unfair Labour Practice Increasing migrant workers –discrimination by local law – moving around Union losing power –losing members – bargaining power –Finance

12 Union Responses Union involving in process of policies making PRSP –Micro credit (ET) –Skill training (Bangladesh) –good wages system (Nepal+Indonesia) –Land reform –work condition OHS –woman empowerment –Training and retraining (HK) –Democratisation of society

13 Strengthen of Trade Union Movement –organise the unorganised –organise informal sector –Capacity building

14 International and National Solidarity –Networking, –Advocacy Campaign and Lobby Co-operative –Income generation and attraction –to provide employment opportunity

15 Increasing Social Dialog –maintain good industrial relation –review national policies To push government to ratify and implement ILO Core Conventions.

16 Conclusion Globalisation can not be stop ! Trade Union should reform their policy in order to adopt good impact and avoid the bad impact of globalisation. Trade union should be aware about build up their capacity to compete against present Socio-Economic condition.

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