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Two Years on Deturbulated Wings James E. Hendrix– 1/2/07.

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1 Two Years on Deturbulated Wings James E. Hendrix– 1/2/07

2 Performance Measurement Until deturbulators operate more consistently, individual flights must be analyzed to see their actual potential. Improvements of 25% have been measured in six flights. The upper limit is unknown!

3 Johnson & Hendrix Measurements Green: Johnson day 1 (4 flights) Blue: Johnson day 2 (2 flights) Orange: Hendrix (2 flights)

4 Lift Change Affects Pitch Increased lift => lower AOA at same airspeed Witnessed on tow Sometimes changes on tow Lift Change Affects Trim Center of lift moves aft Less forward trim needed Forward trim speed moves from 65 to 85 kts

5 Lift Change – Wing Bending Top: 30 degree bank, clean wing Bottom: 45 degree bank, inboard 14’ deturbulated Think about it!

6 Polar Change – Final Glide 7/1/2006 - 13 nm glide, average airspeed of 85 kts, 17 kt headwind, 260 fpm average sink rate, 25% improvement.

7 Parallel Flight – ASW-28 3/19/2005 – Parallel Flight with ASW-28 at 80 kts.

8 Water Purging – Virga 9/27/2006 – Released at 10,000’ in virga. Took data points in order shown.

9 Dr. Sumon Sinha

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