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Mohandas Gandhi. How do we define the personality traits of a hero? A hero can be defined as someone who helps other people without any reward and goes.

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Presentation on theme: "Mohandas Gandhi. How do we define the personality traits of a hero? A hero can be defined as someone who helps other people without any reward and goes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mohandas Gandhi

2 How do we define the personality traits of a hero? A hero can be defined as someone who helps other people without any reward and goes above and beyond what is expected of them to do something that benefits other people positively. (HERO)

3 How do the setting, conflicts, and antagonists influence the development of literary heroes? Gandhi grew up wealthy with his parents in Porbandar, which was British India at the time. When he returned to his country many years after, he saw the poverty that native Indians were facing and saw that he had to do something (“Home-Life-Mohandas-Ghandi” ). These events were a turning point in Gandhi's life and shaped his social activism and awakened him to social injustice. After witnessing racism, prejudice and injustice against Indians in South Africa, Gandhi began to question his place in society and his people's standing in the British Empire (South African Movement 1907).

4 How does a hero reflect his/her particular culture and society? In India, Great Britain controlled the country. Most people in India did not like how they were being overpowered by a foreign country (BBC - History - Historic Figures: Mohandas Gandhi). Gandhi stepped up to the cause and led his country to freedom in the independence movement from Great Britain (Partition of India).

5 How does a hero represent his/her time period and geographical area? In the time Gandhi was alive and leading his revolution, he had wealth and was returning home (HERO). He did not have to help the natives, like himself. India was ruled by the wealthy British, while the native Indians were impoverished during this times period. Gandhi could relate because he grew up seeing the outside world around him, and knew he had to do something (BATES).

6 How do various cultures reward or recognize their heroes? Great Britain frowned upon Gandhi’s independence movement. They imprisoned him in 1922, 1930, 1933 and in 1942 (Mahatma Gandhi ). India and other countries looked up to Gandhi as a “hero”. He showed other that if they truly believed in something, they could stand up for themselves and gain what they believed in, even if there were negative conditions met for their beliefs (South African movement 1907).

7 How was Gandhi looked at by the British before the independence movement? The British thought nothing of Gandhi, because he wasn’t living in India. He left to England in 1888, to study the English law. (“Translating Gandhi’s Vision.”). He then spent 21 years in South Africa where he developed political skills, leadership, and ethics (Mahatma Gandhi”).

8 Did people believe that Gandhi could lead this revolution with non violent protests? Yes, people saw how the British reacted better to non violence. (“BBC - History - Historic Figures: Mohandas Gandhi (1869 – 1948”). Gandhi learned restraint and moderation, and his insistence on working inside the system. Gandhi took Gokhale's (His Mentor) liberal approach based on British traditions and transformed it to make it look Indian (“Mahatma Gandhi, the Missing Laureate”).

9 how long did Gandhi not eat for and how did it effect his health, and how did that effect his movement? a three-week fast in the autumn of 1924, a six-day fast in September 1932 and On May 8, 1933 Gandhi began a 21-day fast of self-purification (“Gandhi's Body and Further Representations of War and Peace”). Ghandi was released from prison do to poor health because of fasting. He also was very in touch with his body, both physically and spiritually. He was able to go long times without food, with little to no negative effects, except for looking physically starved ( “Mahatma Gandhi”).

10 Was Gandhi ever imprisoned and if so how did this affect the outcome of his cause? Gandhi was imprisoned for 1,921 days, or 5 years and 30 days in total. (“Mahatma Gandhi”) Being imprisoned help Gandhi gain fame. People saw that he was most determined to gain independence. (“South African Movement 1907”)

11 What happened in Gandhi childhood, that may have led him to lead this revolt? It was not in Gandhi's childhood that made him want to lead an independence movement, but when he was studying in South Africa and saw how Indians were mistreated by the British their as well (“South African Movement 1907”). Gandhi attended school through college. This made it possible for him to succeed in government and gain power (“Translating Gandhi’s Vision”).

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