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12.20 7,50 5.90 8,88 Putting Alcohol in Safer Hands- The East Surrey Picture Dr Joe McGilligan - Chair East Surrey CCG, Co-Chair Surrey Health and Wellbeing.

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Presentation on theme: "12.20 7,50 5.90 8,88 Putting Alcohol in Safer Hands- The East Surrey Picture Dr Joe McGilligan - Chair East Surrey CCG, Co-Chair Surrey Health and Wellbeing."— Presentation transcript:

1 12.20 7,50 5.90 8,88 Putting Alcohol in Safer Hands- The East Surrey Picture Dr Joe McGilligan - Chair East Surrey CCG, Co-Chair Surrey Health and Wellbeing Board 1

2 12.20 7,50 5.90 8,88 12.20 7,50 5.90 8,88 Thank you – Oct 13 – Mar 14  Thank you for attending  We need your support and expertise:  5 months to deliver the 1 st ever CCG Alcohol Integrated Service Spec  Evidence based recommendations for the full life cycle  WHY

3 12.20 7,50 5.90 8,88 12.20 7,50 5.90 8,88

4 12.20 7,50 5.90 8,88 12.20 7,50 5.90 8,88 4 Risk in context CONDITION MEN (increases risk by) WOMEN (increased risk) HypertensionFour timesDouble Stoke DoubleFour times Coronary Heart Disease 1.7 times1.3 times PancreatitisTriple Double Liver Disease13 times

5 12.20 7,50 5.90 8,88 12.20 7,50 5.90 8,88

6 12.20 7,50 5.90 8,88 12.20 7,50 5.90 8,88

7 12.20 7,50 5.90 8,88 12.20 7,50 5.90 8,88 What’s the issue? “...the concentration in England on "binge drinking" youngsters and on the antisocial or criminal consequences of heavy drinking.... has allowed politicians to project the problem onto a small minority of the population, missing the point that there are hundreds of thousands of people - the silent majority - who in their own homes are quietly opening a bottle of wine each evening and over the week are unknowingly drinking well over the recommended limits, storing up problems for the future.” Professor Sir Ian Gilmore – commenting on national alcohol policy, February 2010 bate

8 12.20 7,50 5.90 8,88 12.20 7,50 5.90 8,88 8 In East Surrey: 13,011 alcohol related A&E visits Sources: HES A&E data; MORI (2003); National Schedule of Reference Costs 2011-12 for NHS trusts and NHS foundation trusts

9 12.20 7,50 5.90 8,88 12.20 7,50 5.90 8,88 9 2,912 alcohol related inpatient admissions Sources: HES 2011/12 & NWPHO 2008

10 12.20 7,50 5.90 8,88 12.20 7,50 5.90 8,88 10 925 crimes & 685 violent 12 sexual in nature Source: LAPE 2012

11 12.20 7,50 5.90 8,88 12.20 7,50 5.90 8,88 11 45 people die every year 10 chronic liver deaths per year Source: LAPE 2012

12 12.20 7,50 5.90 8,88 12.20 7,50 5.90 8,88 12 Societal costsCurrent Criminal justice system£601,763 Workplace & activity£555,510 Wider social costs£638,105 Total£1,795,378 Source: Modelling “The economic and social costs of alcohol-related harm in Leeds 2008-09”

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