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Power Plant Construction and QA/QC Section 9.1 – Environmental Legislation and Regulation Engineering Technology Division.

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Presentation on theme: "Power Plant Construction and QA/QC Section 9.1 – Environmental Legislation and Regulation Engineering Technology Division."— Presentation transcript:

1 Power Plant Construction and QA/QC Section 9.1 – Environmental Legislation and Regulation Engineering Technology Division

2 2 Section 9.1 – Environmental Legislation and Regulation Overview 1960s Started the Environmental Movement Environmental Issues Conservation Protection of Resources Creation of the EPA – Dec 1970 Protect Environment for Public Good Straw – Cuyahoga River Fire – June 1969 First Act – Clean Air Act – Dec 31, 1970 Air Quality Water Quality Solid Waste Management

3 3 Section 9.1 – Environmental Legislation and Regulation EPA Cuyahoga River Fire - 1969 Clean Air Act – Dec 31, 1970

4 4 Section 9.1 – Environmental Legislation and Regulation EPA – Notable Work Lead Based Paint - 1971 Air Pollution Danger Levels – 1971 DDT Ban – 1972 Clean Air Act – 1972 Ocean Dumping Act – 1972 Leaded Gasoline Phase Out – 1973 Safe Drinking Water Act – 1974 Toxic Substances Control Act – 1976 Clean Water Act – 1977 PCB Phase Out – 1979 Super Fund Project – 1980 Nuclear Waste Policy Act – 1982 Hazardous and Solid Waste – 1984 Sewage Ocean Dumping Ban – 1988 Pollution Prevention Act - 1990 Passive Smoking Effects – 1993 Refinery Regulations – 1995 Food Quality Act – 1996 Yucca Mountain Standards – 2008 Stronger Smog Standards – 2010 Std for Power Plant Air Pollution – 2011

5 5 Section 9.1 – Environmental Legislation and Regulation Air Pollutants

6 6 Section 9.1 – Environmental Legislation and Regulation Air Pollutants

7 7 Section 9.1 – Environmental Legislation and Regulation Air Pollutant Reductions

8 8 Section 9.1 – Environmental Legislation and Regulation Air Pollutant Methane

9 9 Questions? Section 9.1 – Environmental Legislation and Regulation

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