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Geology of the Oceans. Did we always have oceans?_____ Have they changed ?___________ Oceans formed between 4.2-3.8 billion years ago – Water vapor escaping.

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Presentation on theme: "Geology of the Oceans. Did we always have oceans?_____ Have they changed ?___________ Oceans formed between 4.2-3.8 billion years ago – Water vapor escaping."— Presentation transcript:

1 Geology of the Oceans

2 Did we always have oceans?_____ Have they changed ?___________ Oceans formed between 4.2-3.8 billion years ago – Water vapor escaping from crust condensed on surface –

3 After the ocean formation 3.6 billion years of simple cells (prokaryotes) 3.4 billion years of stromatolites demonstrating photosynthesis, SNOWBALL EARTH 2 billion years of complex cells (eukaryotes) 1 billion years of multicellular life,

4 Snowball earth

5 Continental Drift: Creation of oceans Do oceans change?___ how?_____________ ___________________

6 World Ocean Covers 70.8% of Earth’s surface Four main basins—Pacific, Indian, Atlantic, Arctic 1. Which ocean is the largest?_______ 2. Which ocean is between North America and Europe?________ 3. Which ocean is Bordered by Africa, Australia, India? ______________

7 Geology of the Oceans Continental crust vs. Oceanic crust: What is the difference?_______________________

8 Continental Drift Magma & convection currents drive continental movement Erupting magma – Midocean ridges – ridge systems Subduction zones: __________________ Seafloor spreading: __________________

9 Mid-Ocean Ridges

10 Ocean Basin Abyssal Plains and Hills Seamounts Ridges and Rises Trenches – Island arcs – Marianna Trench

11 Evidence for Continental Drift Fit of the continental boundaries Distribution of earthquakes Temperature of the sea bottom Age of rock samples from the seafloor: young/old Analysis of core samples drilled through the ocean sediments.

12 What is on the bottom of the ocean?

13 Rift Communities Rift communities, or deep-sea vent communities 1977 Food webs in absence of sunlight

14 Composition of Sea Floor Hydrogenous Sediment Biogenous Sediment – Calcareous ooze – Siliceous ooze (glass) Terrigenous Sediment – mud Cosmogenous Sediment – Iron rich

15 Aliens of the deep Watch the video and list any organisms that you can identify and what criteria you used to identify them.


17 Work in groups 2-4

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