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Optimized Delivery & Tracking of Triggered Emails.

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Presentation on theme: "Optimized Delivery & Tracking of Triggered Emails."— Presentation transcript:

1 Optimized Delivery & Tracking of Triggered Emails

2 What is Falconide ? Website activity (Frontend) Internal Apps (Back-end) 1. Via Javascript code – like Google Analytics 1. Via SMTP or HTTP API 2. Delivery 3. Delivered/Open/ Other events 4. Real time updates over HTTP(s) URL Third Party Apps Webhooks Cloud based delivery engine with real time delivery and subscriber activity tracking How it works ? 1.Connects to frontend/backend app using: Javascript SMTP/HTTP API 2.Real Time Delivery 3.Real Time Reports: Delivered Bounced Opens Clicks Unsubscribes/Abuse 4.Webhooks: Real Time notifications to your system 5.Plan your next subsequent actions immediately

3 WebHooks

4 Webhooks: What it is and how it works Webhooks allow you to collect information about events as they happen in real-time Helps plan subsequent actions immediately Supported Events  Delivered  Dropped  Invalid  Bounced  Opened  Clicked  Unsubscribed  Abuse Webhooks is pretty amazing, it helps in keeping subscriber’s activity data in sync with Enterprise system. Website activity Internal Apps (Back-end) 1. Via Javascript code – like Google Analytics 1. Via SMTP or Falconide’s API 2. Delivery 3. Delivered/Open/ Other events 4. Real time updates over HTTP(s) URL Third Party Apps Webhooks

5 Website Webhooks Demo Fills up the registration form API Call to Falconide Delivery/Opens/Clicks reports Day 1 Confirmation email Webhooks REAL TIME transfer of reports Thank you email Automated Voice call CRMCRM New lead email New lead SMS API Call to Falconide Day 1 Webhooks- Get notifications in real time on every open, click by a customer. Use this to automatically trigger a follow-up action - fire another email, or send an SMS, or notify a call center Customer Sales Team

6 Triggerware

7 Website On-Website Signup 1 Fills up the registration form Signup details transferred Confirmation email Personalized Offer/coupon email Day 1 Day 2 Triggerware RULESRULES (e.g. based on Gender Template 1: for Male Template 2: for Female) Customer (Using JavaScript /API Code) Right information at Right time

8 Website On-Add to Cart 2 Browsed the products and added to cart Cart information transferred Cart Abandonment email after X duration of non-purchase Day 2 Day 1 Triggerware RULESRULES Customer (Using JavaScript /API Code) Re-engage customers and unlash the hidden revenues

9 Website Post Purchase 3 Purchases product on website Purchase information transferredOrder confirmation email in real time Day 1 Triggerware RULESRULES Personalized offer/coupon Day 2 Feedback email Day 15 (e.g. based on total order value Template 1: Order Value $ 10,000) Customer (Using JavaScript /API Code) I need one service that can send all of this email – so I can focus on my core business

10 Demo URLs Webhooks: http://shopcore.exacttouch.com Triggerware: http://shop.exacttouch.com

11 Thank You

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