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IoT: Windows 10 & Raspberry Pi By: Mitchel Sellers.

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Presentation on theme: "IoT: Windows 10 & Raspberry Pi By: Mitchel Sellers."— Presentation transcript:

1 IoT: Windows 10 & Raspberry Pi By: Mitchel Sellers

2 About Your Speaker  Mitchel Sellers  Microsoft C# MVP  DNN MVP  CEO/IowaComputerGurus, Inc.  Contact Information  Twitter: @MitchelSellers  Blog: http://www.mitchelsellers.com  Email:

3 Disclaimer  I initially had a Raspberry Pi & Demo Ready, but it was damaged along the way here. As such, moving this to a more Theroetical discussion

4 Agenda  IoT – What is it?  Hardware & Common Options

5 Internet of Things (IoT) What?  Is the network of physical objects, or “things”, embedded with electronics, software, sensors, and network connectivity, which enable these objects to connect and share data.

6 Hardware & Common Options .NET Gadgeteer  Typically.NET Micro Framework  Adoption ?  Arduino  Typically C or Python  Raspberry Pi  Python is recommended

7 Introducing Windows 10 Core  Limited Sub-Set of Windows  Supports multiple devices  Limited to 1 Visual Application  Multiple background applications

8 IoT Resources  Main Dev Center:  AdaFruit Starter Pack:  $115 – Raspberry Pi, Leds, Wires etc

9 Getting Started on the.NET Side - PC  VS 2015  Must have Universal Windows Apps Feature Installed  Windows 10  IoT Core Project Templates  a88ac4b01dec a88ac4b01dec  Enable Developer Mode   Install IoT Watcher 

10 Getting Ready on the Raspberry Pi Side  Download IoT Image: US/win10/SetupRPI.htm US/win10/SetupRPI.htm  Extract image  Flash to SD Card

11 Using IoT Watcher Images From MSDN Documentation Right Click to Connect Default password p@ssw0rd

12 Setup & WiFi

13 Powershell? & Security  Great Resources for interactions & Management with PS: http://ms-  Update password  net user Administrator [new password]

14 So I’m Setup Now What?  Going Back to Old School  Pin-outs and settings  Trial & Error  Projects

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