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THE UNIVERSE – THE EARTH 2013 The One Unity Our goal: To save the earthly world and the human kind, and also to introduce those universalities.

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Presentation on theme: "THE UNIVERSE – THE EARTH 2013 The One Unity Our goal: To save the earthly world and the human kind, and also to introduce those universalities."— Presentation transcript:

1 THE UNIVERSE – THE EARTH 2013 The One Unity Our goal: To save the earthly world and the human kind, and also to introduce those universalities upon which the whole Universe is based. The way to achive the above, which is also the goal itself: To set ourselves free from any kind of earthly negativity, which can only be achieved through the purity and also the improvement of our mind and consciousness.

2 Necessary to achieve all the above: Living in one another is the foundation-stone of the Universe. The achievement and the understanding of the manifestation in one another – that is the recognition of the Oneness –, the knowledge, the experience, the conscious application of it and also the balancing of negativity, it is what shows as new in our earthly world, so then humanity could help itself – because every second of our existence is defined by our origin. That is to say, everything comes from and returns to the Universe. Our origin, from where we come, and also the fact that we apply this in our manifestations consciously. Everyday, we must get connected to where we manifest from, and we also must renew our bonds with the true existence of freedom, independence and universality, while distancing ourselves from all kinds of earthly negativity and from our earthly manifestation, so we could manifest ourselves according to the principle of the unity for the good – service – of the Universe and that of the One, and to exist for the good of revelation of universality.

3 THE UNIVERSE I. The Universe is the absolute perfection – a neutral existence – everything comes from and returns to the Universe by proving itself, everything manifests from and within the Universe in its simplicity and coming from its own complexity. The knowledge lying in the Universe cannot be translated into the incomplete human thinking one hundred percent, and it cannot be translated perfectly into the language system of the earthly world either. Considering the Universe, we must think about an immeasurable level of consciousness, which our human existence is not able to understand completely. Universally, it is such a greatness that cannot be revealed, because nothing is suitable enough to reveal its greatness. However, the Universe is much more than this, so we should never try to determine its boundaries, since it is impossible! There is no mind or consciousness that would be able to comprehend the power and the extent of that Unity, which operates and embraces everything. The Universe can be found in everyone and everything, and it manifests itself universally as the basic revelations of the existence in the Universe. We are part of the Universe in our own manifestations just like anything else that manifests. We are one with everything at all times, just like Everything – All – is one with us. It lies within us and we lie within it. We are part of the Whole, just like we are the part within the Whole.

4 THE UNIVERSE II. The human language as a set of signs, which we use to communicate with each other, is a very outdated and limited form of manifestation. It is not rich enough to express the greatness of the universality of the Universe. In the limited manifestations of our existence, the Universe is such a greatness, that cannot be limited due to its infinity. Therefore, our words and certain expressions do not give accurate description of all the manifestations of the Universe in our world, because they cannot be expressed through human expressions. Only certain words and sentences, due to their similarities, live up to the intent to describe the Universe. Yet, these words confirm the universal existence of the universal revelations. The Universe will prove its universal truth and revelations both individually and collectively, and as time goes by, everybody will understand them in their simplicity and complexity, since the Universe, the Whole is such universal revelation, which prove its own existence – in everything, in which it manifests itself.

5 CAUSE-AND-EFFECT, IMPACT-AND-INFLUENCE, INTERDEPENDENCE Everything in the Universe manifests according to the universal principle of cause-and-effect and that of impact-and-influence, and this affects everything and also the operation of everything. The effect of every manifestation – positive or negative – has an impact on itself, its environment and everything at all times. We manifest, we exist and organize within the universal action mechanisms of the cause-and- effect and impact-and-influence. We strive to reach a higher level of manifestation and existence, to reach a harmonic function and a ‘state of existence’ – either individually or collectively. So, the balance can be found both, in the smallest and also in the biggest, and these influence and affect each other mutually. In the Universe everything is built upon each other. The universal revelations also manifest this way – in harmony and built upon each other – so that, the understanding and embracing of every revelation is followed by a new, a more complicated one, which is built upon the previous one, and so we can realize ourselves, become more conscious and develop in accordance with ourselves and the Universe. So, we can understand and embrace a bigger part of the existence and a bigger part of our mind and consciousness become enlightened in earthly limitations. The understanding and awareness of these revelations lead to those recognition that result in awareness. It means that kind of help of the Universe, which serves that purpose to lift us to that level of consciousness in our own existence, which level we have to reach so it can be beneficial for everyone and everything and also for the Whole.

6 MIND AND CONSCIOUSNESS I. Our mind and consciousness are part of such a power, in which everything can be found, in which everything is One, and in which this One can be found in everything. We can fulfil our role through our mind and consciousness, the role we deserve all in the Universe: We are entitled to our existence in our existence, and also to realize this, and consequently, we will be able to fulfil the meaning, the reason and the ultimate goal of our existence universally – through all our manifestations and in all our manifestations. This is the principle of the universal unity. The revelations of these basic elements must be manifested in our mind and consciousness, in our physical, temporary and energetical existence, manifestations on a daily basis. Due to our universal existence, it is our mind and consciousness that can connect us to the state of infinity through its manifestation of universal existence and that of the Unity, and we are the part of this through our mind and consciousness in our earthly world in our physical, interim and energetical manifestations and the ones beyond. Our mind and consciousness is infinite at all times. Our mind and consciousness is an existence with such a power, in which infinity lies. It is such a power, which we are not able to deal with, and not able to find in our earthly state of limitation. Our human mind and consciousness feed upon our Inner Universality. Through this Inner Universality, we can reach Universality, to the home of real revelations, from where we derive our strength, which pervades all of our manifestations, whether they are infinite or not.

7 MIND AND CONSCIOUSNESS II. Our mind has a material nature, while our consciousness is a manifestation of a higher order from the Universal Absolute Existence, the Unity and from the Universe. A part of it, in the earthly human manifestations, is the foundation of our universality and eternity. This origin, the eternal Universe manifests within us through our mind and consciousness, in our human manifestations and connects us to the Universe. Mind and consciousness and this duality, material manifestation and the formula of a higher manifestation, still remains a unity in the earthly human manifestations, it is a unity which never dies out. The continuous reconnection to the Universe lays the emphasis on the harmony of the mind and the consciousness and the activity through them. The mind and the consciousness are the revelation of the universal existence of the Universe in us. The mind and the consciousness are the Universe, in which we are the Universe. Everything lies within us and we lie within everything. The mind and the consciousness are such unity, that is one, yet remains separate, limited and unlimited. This gate of Universality that connects us to the Universe, combines infinity with limitation/restriction. We must grow up and become mature to all those things that the Universe brings into our lives and into the life of the whole earthly world, and also into our manifestations through our mind and consciousness, so the whole earthly world could change universally.

8 MIND AND CONSCIOUSNESS III. Our mind and consciousness, which is still infinite and limitless in our state of limitation, prove that only a part of our manifestations is limited and we are able to overcome (rise above) this limitation at any time when immersed in our mind and consciousness. Through our mind and consciousness, we are able to initiate such mechanism of action in our earthly world, which originates completely from and is built upon infinity. Since our mind and consciousness are infinite, everything is possible in our state of limitation. The continuous reconnection to the Universe, the development taking place within us, result in an environmental change beneficial for everyone, since through ourselves we reveal to our environment everything that is needed. We further reveal that positivity, which we derive from the Universe to cure, to fill, to boost, to energize us and also to deprive us of all negativity. We share all of these with our environment, and this eventually creates change. On the occasion of every connection, we open the gates through which the Universe unfolds before us and such revelations reach us, that are necessary: So, the Whole can find the part and the part can find the Whole. Those universalities unfold upon which and inside the whole Universe is founded and without which nothing can exist, including us. And everything unfolds that is right and eternal.

9 MIND AND CONSCIOUSNESS IV. We determine our own level because of the limitation of our mind and consciousness. We will not be able surpass or go further than this level until we do not understand that period of revelation on which we exist, and until we do not reach a higher level, where a new revelation is built upon the previous ones… to understand our universal purpose, to find the meaning of our manifestation and the whole truth of our being, existence. And this is none other than, to unite with everything in the universal being of infinity, and on such level of consciousness, in which everything is definite, and everything evolves the way it is expected, because the Unity is present in everyone on the same level and the same way, on the same level of consciousness, and this way, everyone understood the meaning of their own existence, their manifestation from the Origin, their approach to the Origin and their relation with everything at all times. This Origin is the Absolute Being/Existence, the Unity within the Unity, the Consciousness within the Consciousness. The guidance in its supposed form. Our universal consciousness in our earthly world, is able to keep us on the right path, which always proves as coming from its basic revelation: The right path can always be recognized by its own universal existence and its universal revelation.

10 THE RELATIVITY AND THE LIMITEDNESS OF THE EARTHLY NEGATIVITY I. Everything surrounding us in our earthly world is relative. The Universe is the only that is eternal and is not relative. Everything comes from the Universe, it controls and surrounds everything, and owing to its power, it gives freedom to everything and this is how everything develops in everything. Everything found in our earthly world is relative. Consequently, our own existence is also relative, until we learn how to interpret everything that exists. Negativity does not exist in the Universe. It could develop from our power coming from our own freedom. In the Universe, the universal unity prevails. Everyone is one on every level. The path of development leads everyone to one another. All the negativity found within us and also within our environment, could come into existence only due to the uncontrolled state of our mind and consciousness. All the earthly negativity can influence us due to our ignorance, weakness, and irresponsibility. We embrace and let all the negative manifestations of the outside world reach us. We do not control our mind and consciousness, through which, the negativity is present as a harmful and damaging effect, manifestation and destructive act in our physical, interim and energetical manifestations and also in the ones beyond, and we pass this negativity further to the environment around us. All of this is completely opposite to what the Universe holds for us.

11 THE RELATIVITY AND THE LIMITEDNESS OF THE EARTHLY NEGATIVITY II. The way in which, the whole world looks and manifests nowadays, is also the result of the uncontrolled state of our mind and consciousness. All the negativity found in our earthly world is the result of the disconnected operation, the confusion of the mind and consciousness and also their unused condition. All of this damage and destroy its own self and its environment. Negativity remains until the mind and consciousness prevail over it (rise above negativity) and realize its nature. As negativity is a form of manifestation of an inferior level, it can be overcome and surpassed, and eventually it can be transformed and eradicated. Our mission is to fight against all the negativity in our earthly world through the infinity of our mind and consciousness and also the positive revelations of the Universe we receive, according to the way it is displayed and shown to us by the neutrality of the Universe.

12 The negativity, which surrounds, pervades and damages our earthly world, is able to exist until everyone realizes its origin and finiteness against such greatness and infinite power, that is the Universe. Everything comes from and returns to the Universe by proving itself through its own revelations – shown its own existence. This negativity can manifest until the human kind realizes its own ignorance and limitation of this. Only then will this negativity come to an end, because it loses its own force in its own limitation! This is the way in which everything manifests in the Universe, as a result of complex action mechanisms, and this is how the Universe attracts every being and manifested ones through its universal, continuous revelations, and this is how it completes itself with its own self, when a manifested being becomes aware of its own self. This is how the developed beings attract the less developed ones, and help them to make them conscious of themselves in the universal unity of existence.

13 Look after your mind, consciousness, thoughts, emotions and everything, that is you in all of your manifestation and also in the ones beyond! Connect yourselves to and into the pure Existence! Unite with all you come from through your mind and consciousness! Aim to create such a connection and relation that is more clear, pure and stronger, because the Universe balances you automatically from every damaging element, and only the most appropriate and necessary revelations and manifestations can reach you and your environment automatically. Find your founded – rooted – place in the Universe to which you remain connected every day in such positivity, that is essential to everyone! Become whole and independent on every level, in every form, and in all of your manifestations.

14 We must bring about a global change in our earthly world, so an environmentally conscious, a more conscious form of existence could come into being, which regards, in its own manifestations, universality, the Universe as such unity and universal leader, upon which it can always feed and from which it can derive consciousness, until it reaches the same level with the Unity and with the Absolute Perfection. Our positive or negative future depends entirely on the human kind. On our consciousness, creativity and all of the limitation through which we manifest ourselves in our earthly world. We must rise above all of our manifestations to be able to lift our manifestations up to a higher level and to comprehend: We have to act for our earthly world in such steps, that is urgent for the human kind to get rid of the negative limitations.

15 Apply the universality, the greatness, the inexhaustibility of the Universe more, because this way you prove against all the negativity in our earthly world, against everything destructive and damaging, moreover, you prove for the positivity of the universal function. By eliminating the negativity of our earthly world and by replacing it with the universal revelation, we can build future, in which everyone and everything holds an important place!

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