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Recap last lesson….. What was your opinion of the music as you walked into the lesson?? How did it make you feel??

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Presentation on theme: "Recap last lesson….. What was your opinion of the music as you walked into the lesson?? How did it make you feel??"— Presentation transcript:

1 Recap last lesson….. What was your opinion of the music as you walked into the lesson?? How did it make you feel??

2 Recap last lesson…. You will now listen to 3 tracks, I want you to think about how you feel when you hear the scenario combined with the music. Put your head down on the desk and close your eyes.

3 Recap last lesson….. You are putting your pads on just before you go out to face the 1 st ball in an ashes series at the MCG in Australia in front of 95,000 fans. You have never played for England before and the media have questioned your selection. How did that track make you feel?

4 Recap last lesson….. You are walking to the starting blocks in the final of the 100m final at the 2012 Olympics in London, there are 80,000 people in the stadium as well as 100,000million people watching on TV. How did that track make you feel?

5 Recap last lesson…. You are sat on the coach on the way to the world cup final, you are 17 years old and have spoken to the manager, the centre forward (top goal scorer for your country) has injured himself at training, and you are his only option. You have never played for your country before. How did the track make you feel?

6 Recap last lesson…. What have we been looking at by looking the effect music has on you before an event? Mental preparation What is it called when you picture a scenario in your head? Mental imagery What is it called when you think about the required technique to perform specific skills before you actually do them? Mental rehearsal

7 Lesson objectives… 1)Understand the short term affects that an active and healthy lifestyle has on our body. 2)Understand the long term affects that an active and healthy lifestyle has on our body. 3)Understand both and apply them in a practical way.

8 Task 1… Stand up and do star jumps for 30 seconds What is happening to your body??

9 Short term effects of an active, healthy lifestyle … RESPIRATORY SYSTEM Increased respiratory rate Your body needs more oxygen so your breathing rate increases. You breathe faster and have deeper breaths.

10 Short term effects of an active, healthy lifestyle … Increased tidal volume As you breathe faster and deeper the TOTAL amount of air inspired (in) and expired (out) increases.

11 Short term effects of an active, healthy lifestyle … Increased minute ventilation This is an increase in the amount of air inspired and expired in 1 minute.

12 Task 2… Using your chair or the floor I want you to perform either tricep dips or press ups for 30 seconds. What is happening to your body??

13 Short term effects of an active, healthy lifestyle … CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM Increased heart rate This means more blood gets pumped around the body and to the muscles. This increases the amount of oxygen to the muscles and improves waste (co2) removal.

14 Short term effects of an active, healthy lifestyle … Increased stroke volume The heart is beating quicker it means it pumps out (of the left ventricle) more blood every time it contracts – this is stroke volume. Increased cardiac output The heart is beating quicker it means it pumps out (of the left ventricle) more blood every minute – this is cardiac output.

15 Short term effects of an active, healthy lifestyle … Muscle fatigue As you exercise for longer time periods, as part of a healthy and active lifestyle your muscles will begin to get tired, feel heavy and could develop cramp (due to the build up of lactic acid which is a bi-product of energy). Increase in muscle and core temperature Your body produces heat when exercising this can be in your muscles and your core temp. All exercise increases both muscle and core temp.

16 Short term effects of an active, healthy lifestyle … Vascular shunting At rest your body uses 80% of its blood in THE ORGANS and 20% to the muscles. During exercise (depending on intensity and fitness) it redistributes blood to the places that need it – THE MUSCLES have 80% and the organs have 20%! The redistribution of blood is known as vascular shunting.

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