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By- MacKenzie Kelley Physics. Objectives: 1. Students will apply physical concepts of vectors, gravity, velocity, times, and position to projectiles in.

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Presentation on theme: "By- MacKenzie Kelley Physics. Objectives: 1. Students will apply physical concepts of vectors, gravity, velocity, times, and position to projectiles in."— Presentation transcript:

1 By- MacKenzie Kelley Physics

2 Objectives: 1. Students will apply physical concepts of vectors, gravity, velocity, times, and position to projectiles in the application of a problem(s) in an inquiry lab. 2. Students will evaluate the physical properties of projectiles in order to predict and solve projectile problems. 3. Students will remember and understand the application of geometry for projectile motion. 4. Students must remember and apply graphing skills for projectile’s in order to understand the nature of projectile motion. 5. Students will analyze data in order to draw conclusions and evaluate projectiles and the projectile’s motion.

3 Nerf Ball Discussion Game RULES- 1. The ball represents the speaker 2. I will ask a question and pass the ball to students throughout the room 3. If you do not know the answer pass it to a friend (someone you think will know the answer is best) 4. If you fall asleep CONSIDER YOURSELF WARNED 5. I have the ability to pass it to whomever I want- BE READY! 6. LIGHTLY TOSS THE BALL!

4 Bell ringer 1/8 1. What is a projectile?

5 Physics of Angry Birds WE ARE NOT JUST PLAYING! Observe the following: 1. How do we change the birds velocity? 2. How do we change the birds angle? 3. What happens when the bird is launched at a greater velocity? 4. What happens when the bird is launched at a small angle? 5. What happens when the bird is launched at a greater angle?

6 What effects a projectile? 1. What is a projectile? 2. What variables effect a projectile? 3. What effects a projectile launched at an angle? a) How are these similar to free-fall or cannon problems?

7 Phet lab deliverables Purpoe (1 sentence min) Image- (4) trajectories Data table & graph comparing: Range vs. angle Range vs. initial speed Range vs. mass Range vs. diameter Height vs. angle Height vs. initial speed Height vs. mass Height vs. diameter conclusion Time vs. angle Time vs. initial speed Time vs. mass Time vs. diameter Range vs. Height of cannon Time vs. height of cannon

8 Conclusions From Lab 1. What variables effect a projectile? a) How did we test these? b) What were their effects? c) What did we notice?

9 What’s happening?

10 Interactive Learning George the monkey escaped from his cage at the zoo and climbed into one of the trees. In order to get George down the zoo keeper will have to hit him with a tranquilizer dart from a blow gun. George decides to fall from the tree at the same time the zoo keeper shoots the dart. If the monkey falls at the same time the gun is fired, where should the zoo keeper aim, in order to hit the monkey? A. At George B. Slightly above George C. Slightly below George

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