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Presentation by Serif Kaynar President of Turkey Science Center Foundation November, 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation by Serif Kaynar President of Turkey Science Center Foundation November, 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation by Serif Kaynar President of Turkey Science Center Foundation November, 2008

2 HISTORY Turkish Science Center Foundation is completely privately initiated association with 300 founding members. It was established in 1995 by businessman, professors, sponsor companies and universities to enhance the propagation of Science Centers throughout Turkey.

3 Effective use of all Board Members Effective use of all committees Effective use of all sponsoring companies Innovative shows Example: Migrating Birds Year of Astronomy 2009 Human Mankind Support from the government in form of communication Use of universities Importance of transparency NON TRADITIONAL METHODS OF COMMUNICATION

4 Earthquake Demo Room In association with Private Insurance Company Ak Sigorta Creation of Fan Cards Family Cards Science Centers success depends on their ability to communicate the element of surprise. People old and young adore element of surprise. The financial stability and sustainability is secured by introducing the element of surprise. CASE STUDY

5 Our joint program with Nestle about digestive system or our program with BP on solar power were the centre of attraction for pulling crowds as they provided the element of surprise to school children. Human factor is the most critical element in the non traditional method of communication. You need a strong leader, a strong board and a strong management. All start by installing a good team.

6 FUTURE More “Elements of surprise” Collaboration with NAMES New innovative expositions Local founder /global effects Involve sponsors Heavy weights to join the sector Internet/ TV /Media/Telephone Operators Creative financing methods

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