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1 Discussion about the mid-term 8. In those hard times, people connected two light bulbs in series to prolong the lifetime of them so as to save money.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Discussion about the mid-term 8. In those hard times, people connected two light bulbs in series to prolong the lifetime of them so as to save money."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Discussion about the mid-term 8. In those hard times, people connected two light bulbs in series to prolong the lifetime of them so as to save money on light bulbs. If a person connects two 40W/220V light bulbs in series to a 220V line, what is the actual power consumed by one light bulb in this configuration? assuming the filament’s resistance does not change much with temperature.

2 2 Discussion about the mid-term 10. Calculate the power consumed by R1 and the potential at point A.

3 3 Alternating Current and RLC Circuits Power of RLC in AC circuits  Only the R (resistor) consumes power. The C and L store energy, but do not consume it.  Power consumed by a resistor is P R = RI 2 = RI 2 MAX SIN 2 (ωt+φ) at time t.  Average over one period, one gets the average power consumed of the RLC in an AC circuit with V = V MAX SIN(ωt) P avg = I rms V rms COS(φ) where Z is the impedence φ is the phase angle between the current and voltage. COS(φ) is called the power factor. Discussion: When COS(φ)  0, φ  π/2, P avg  0. almost no power is dissipated through the resistor. When COS(φ)  1, φ  0, Pavg  maximum, the circuit resonates.

4 4 Alternating Current and RLC Circuits Summary:  RLC circuit:  Current and Voltage:  Impedance and phase angle  Resonant condition and frequency  Power in AC circuit  Average voltage, current and power  Power dissipated of RLC in an AC circuit. I V VLVL VCVC VRVR V V L -V C φ

5 5 Example problem 1.1

6 6 Example problem 1.2 A simple loop circuit has an inductor with inductance 4.6×10 −3 H and a capacitor with capacitance 2.8×10 −6 F in series. At a certain time, the current is at its maximum, 5.1 A. (a) What is the charge on the capacitor at this time? (b) What is the maximum charge on the capacitor?

7 7 Example problem 2

8 8 Example problem 3

9 9 Example problem 4

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