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NP group meeting 14 June 2011 1 Tanja Horn, CUA Colloquium Group meeting, 14 June 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "NP group meeting 14 June 2011 1 Tanja Horn, CUA Colloquium Group meeting, 14 June 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 NP group meeting 14 June 2011 1 Tanja Horn, CUA Colloquium Group meeting, 14 June 2011

2 Our group Postdoc: Dr. Ibrahim Albayrak Undergraduate students: –Nathaniel Hlavin –Michael Metz Summer Interns: –Lilian Anderson –Katya Gilbo –Joshua Kelly –Laura Rothgeb –Robert Macedo Graduate student: Marco Carmignotto Summer Visitors: –Jiaqi Wu Group meeting, 14 June 2011

3 SHMS Aerogel Design Overview PMTs Aerogel Panels Diffusion box will be built as single unit with fourteen 5” PMTs, 7 on each long side of the detector Aerogel tray and diffusion lightbox with PMTs based on proven technology – Allows for simple detector assembly and easy replacement of the aerogel stack To cover momenta up to ~6 GeV/c aerogels will have different refractive indices, e.g., n=1.030 and n=1.015 Active area will be 90x60cm 2 with box size 110x100cm 2 for future upgrades Total depth ~ 30cm along the optical axis of the SHMS 10 cm thick 8 cm thick 5 cm thick Photoelectrons Momentum (GeV) n = 1.03 Monte Carlo Simulations of Kaon Signal Group meeting, 14 June 2011

4 Our Projects this summer PMT testing Data acquisition system Aerogel testing Build the detector box Other stuff Reports Group meeting, 14 June 2011

5 Develop techniques to test the PMTs PMT testing We expect 60-70 five-inch PMTs – large diameter Nathaniel, Michael, Lilian, Joshua Group meeting, 14 June 2011

6 Build a test device to test the aerogel Aerogel testing We expect >200 L, tiles are 11x11x1 cm: a lot of tiles to test! Michael Group meeting, 14 June 2011

7 For the aerogel diffusion box we need some reflective material to reduce photon loss Millipore vs. Spectraflect Typically people used Millipore material But there are other materials that may be better, one is called Spectraflect. We have to research how much better this material is. Link to Spectraflect: coatings/white-coatings/spectrafect.aspx Also need this for the prototype Group meeting, 14 June 2011

8 Read out data from the electronics system to the computer for data analysis Data AcQuisition (DAQ) Nathaniel, Michael Group meeting, 14 June 2011 DATA ANALYSIS

9 Abstracts due this Friday, June 17! Reports Report on your work due by the end of the summer or before you leave Purpose: documentation of your work and gives you a chance to learn about scientific writing Group meeting, 14 June 2011

10 Other stuff Group meeting, 14 June 2011 Reports, abstracts, etc. Next trips to JLab: June 21-23, July 12-14 – who will go? Lab cleanup Web page for our group? Questions/Suggestions?! APS/DNP meeting, CEU applications due 1 August

11 SHMS base detector system provides particle identification for e, π, p over the full momentum range Noble gas Cherenkov: e/ π Heavy gas Cherenkov: π /K Lead glass: e/ π The lack of p/K + separation does not allow a strange physics program in Hall C at 11 GeV with only the base equipment The π + /K + separation is provided by the heavy gas Cerenkov Need to build kaon aerogel detector for the strangeness program in Hall C SHMS Detector System – how to measure kaons Noble gas Cerenkov Heavy Gas Cerenkov Lead glass Group meeting, 14 June 2011

12 Detector design well underway –Simulations, mechanical design and detector component selection complete –Procurement of detector components ongoing –Mechanical construction of aerogel box will start in the next few months in CUA machine shop Detector component evaluation with summer students from CUA, South Carolina, and MSU Aerogel and PMTs from BLAST ready for shipping NSF-MRI Consortium: Development of a Kaon Detection System Prototype to test aerogel tiles for detector Group meeting, 14 June 2011

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