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How did the history in the Indus River valley follow the same pattern as in Sumer and Egypt? Give 3 examples. Began with agriculture They domesticated.

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Presentation on theme: "How did the history in the Indus River valley follow the same pattern as in Sumer and Egypt? Give 3 examples. Began with agriculture They domesticated."— Presentation transcript:

1 How did the history in the Indus River valley follow the same pattern as in Sumer and Egypt? Give 3 examples. Began with agriculture They domesticated animals They learned to make copper and bronze tools They traded with one another

2 What were the names of the 2 largest and best-known cities in the Indus and Saraswati valleys? How many people may have lived in these cities? Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa At least 35,000 people

3 Why is the civilization referred your reading about referred to as the Harappan civilization? The city of Harappa gave its name to the entire Indus river culture.

4 What are planned cities? How are planned cities similar to cities we live in today. Planned cities are built according to design. City streets crossed each other forming a grid. Along the streets were homes, shops and factories. They had huge public buildings.

5 Provide evidence to support the following statement. Harrapan cities were advanced at dealing with problems. Every house contained a bathroom and toilet. They had underground sewers that carried away waste.

6 Based on what you have read so far, do you believe Harappan cities had powerful leaders? Explain why/why not. Answers will vary.

7 The following statement is false. Find evidence to support why it is false. STATEMENT: Harappan writing has helped archaeologists learn much about Harappan culture. As of now, no one has learned how to read the writing of Harappan culture. Because of that, archaeologists have to rely on artifacts.

8 What evidence of religion did archaeologists find at Mohenjo- Daro? Mohenjo-Daro had a huge public bath that may have been used for religious rituals. Archaeologists found figures of animals, such as bulls, that Indians regard as holy. They also found figurines that could be goddesses.

9 How large of an area did the Harappan culture spread? About 500,000 square miles. Twice the size of Texas

10 Provide evidence to support the following statement: Harappan cities throughout the civilization were similar. They shared a common design. They used standard weights and measures. They made similar bronze statues and clay toys.

11 What is believed to be the cause of the decline of the Harappan civilization? When was this believed to take place? It is believed that earthquakes shook the region and caused the Saraswati River to dry up. Believed to take place around 2000 to 1500 B.C

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