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Cambridge Pre-U Getting Started In-service Training Liberating learning Developing successful students.

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Presentation on theme: "Cambridge Pre-U Getting Started In-service Training Liberating learning Developing successful students."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cambridge Pre-U Getting Started In-service Training Liberating learning Developing successful students

2 Cambridge Pre-U INDEPENDENT RESEARCH REPORT Liberating learning Developing successful students

3 Aims Overview of IRR Support booklet (in packs) Challenges for the students Challenges for the teachers Administration Assessment scheme (we will not discuss marking)

4 Overview of the IRR: An extended essay or report (4500-5000 words) On independent and individual research Develops research skills Develops project management skills Deepens the academic experience Prepares students for learning in HE

5 The IRR provides an opportunity to: ‘dig deeper’ in a specialist subject cross boundaries with an inter-disciplinary project explore a new, non-school subject practice the research and critical thinking skills developed in the Global Perspectives course

6 IRR: A preparation for learning in HE Students: select and focus their own research question have regular ‘supervisions’ with an individual mentor discuss problems and present conclusions to their mentor write up an academic dissertation undergo a brief viva at the end of their project

7 IRR Guide for students and Mentors In the pack.

8 Challenges for the student Selecting and focusing a suitable research project Finding and evaluating sources Record keeping Keeping going and keeping to deadlines Writing up and editing The viva

9 Choosing a research question Group exercise: (see sheets in pack) Each group has to identify and evaluate 2-3 research questions based on a particular topic area. 15 minutes

10 Planning sheet (see guide) Outline Proposal Form

11 The Mentor Choosing/allocating a mentor Timetable issues and timing How often to meet? Independence / support / guidance Record keeping Viva Marking

12 The Verifier

13 Assessment Objectives AO1: Knowledge and understanding of the research process (15%) AO2: Analysis (30%) AO3: Evaluation (30%) AO4: Communication (15%) AO5: Intellectual Challenge (10%)

14 Assessing IRR are internally marked and externally moderated. The research process and critical/synthetic skills are assessed. Holistic approach using professional judgement (‘best fit’). A well defined progression of achievement: Increasing breadth and depth of understanding Increasing coherence of argument and synthesis Increasing independence and originality increasing marks


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