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Collaborative Problem Solving Methods for Educators Grace Kibuka Dr. Reed Houston Baptist University Diagnostic and Prescriptive Teaching for Exceptional.

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Presentation on theme: "Collaborative Problem Solving Methods for Educators Grace Kibuka Dr. Reed Houston Baptist University Diagnostic and Prescriptive Teaching for Exceptional."— Presentation transcript:

1 Collaborative Problem Solving Methods for Educators Grace Kibuka Dr. Reed Houston Baptist University Diagnostic and Prescriptive Teaching for Exceptional Children

2 Rationale for Collaboration in Education Prior to Public Law 94-142:  No collaboration between teachers  General Education teachers with general education students  Special Education teachers with special education students  Limited collaboration between school systems and the parents

3 Definition of Educational Collaboration:  … dynamic framework that promoted, “interdependence, parity between people who make decisions while working together to achieve  a common goal (Welch & Sheridan,1995)  … direct interaction between at least 2 co-equal parties, voluntarily engaged in shared decision making as they work towards a common goal. (Friend, Cook (2007) All of that to say collaboration is:  *** … an activity that requires planning and problem**

4 Success of Collaboration  Collaboration cannot exist in isolation.  Requires people to engage in a specific process to complete a task or problem solving activity

5 Characteristics of Collaboration  Voluntary  Parity  Common goals  Shared responsibilities  Sharing of resources  Sharing accountability for outcomes

6 Characteristics of Collaboration  1. Legislation and administrators can mandate teacher to work together but cannot force to do so Example: Professional Development: Teachers may attend but unless they are interested in the topic or have stake in the topic… just human bodies in the room  2. Respect: Requires respect between all parties. No one person should dominate the collaboration efforts Example: School administration calls in Reading specialist to help teachers collaborate on reading strategies the school should use. Teachers may sit back and let the specialist come up with all strategies

7 Characteristics of Collaboration  3. Sharing Responsibility: Agreeing to work together is also agreeing to fully participate in decision making and in the activity the group is undertaking Example: Team agrees to what needs to be done and the work is divided evenly or according to expertise and or interest Each contribution is important for successful completion of the task  4. Sharing Resources ** Often the motivating factor for individuals to collaborate** Teachers find it rewarding to share: materials ideas expertise time Schools have scarce resources. Advantageous to new teachers

8 Characteristics of Collaboration  5. Sharing Accountability for Outcomes Example: Three teachers who plan an instructional unit together. Lack of completion from one teacher does not stop delivery of instructional unit

9 Characteristics of Collaboration  6. Common Goals Must at least share one common goal Teachers have to perceive a common goal to be called together Let’s Look for the Common Goals between these three professional: Speech Therapist wants to discuss if the student’ expressive language is improving Psychologist wants to discuss the student’s growth in self-esteem Teacher wants to know if strategies learned in the resource room have positively affected the student’s ability to work in groups WHAT’S THEIR COMMON GOAL?

10 Collaborative Teaming Back to IDEA and NCLB mandates  Intended to increase interaction and communication among  teachers,  parents  and school administrators To make educational systems more effective ** BUT **  not that easy  complex undertaking that requires skill and purpose

11 Characteristics of Collaboration What is educational collaboration? Collaboration is: An act---ty that requires pla--ing and pr---em solving between two or more te-ms Fill in the blanks

12 Collaborative Teams Multi-Disciplinary TeamInter-Disciplinary Team Trans-Disciplinary Team Co Teaching Collaborative Teams

13 Methods of Effective Collaboration and Problem Solving Task Analysis Worksheet Collaborative Planning Collaborative Team Planning

14 Reflecting on Collaborative Process  Professional growth  Teachers’ ability to make effective instructional decisions  Collaborating with parents  …when schools and families work together, children do better in school (Marcon, 199, Miedel & Reynolds, 1999 Sanders & Herring 2000)

15 Methods of Effective Collaboration With Parents  Preparation to work with diverse culturally students starts in teacher preparation programs  school districts and universities working together to train teachers  Promoting effective teacher involvement begins with conversation  Communication is overlooked in teacher preparation programs  **Conversation helps clear up misconception and helps identify values and beliefs underlying the parents goals for their children.**

16 Collaboration with Teachers and Administrators at School Level  Faculty meetings  Staff meetings  Departmental  grade level subject areas meetings  Special education meetings  Meetings can be formal or informal  Key is to plan and have a desired common goal

17 Barriers to Effective Communication  Lack of support from school administrators  Rapid turnover  Teacher Attitudes  Lack of Training

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