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Brian Lukoff Stanford University October 13, 2006.

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1 Brian Lukoff Stanford University October 13, 2006

2  Based on a draft paper that is joint work with Eric Heggestad, Patrick Kyllonen, and Richard Roberts

3  The decision tree method and its applications to faking  Evaluating decision tree performance  Three studies evaluating the method  Study 1: Low-stakes noncognitive assessments  Study 2: Experimental data  Study 3: Real-world selection  Implications and conclusions

4  A technique from machine learning for predicting an outcome variable from (a possibly large number of) predictor variables  Outcome variable can be categorical (classification tree) or continuous (regression tree)  Algorithm builds the decision tree based on empirical data Is it snowing? Is it raining?drive walk YesNo YesNo DaySnowing?Raining?Method 1yes drive 2yesnodrive 3noyesdrive 4noyeswalk 5no walk 6no walk 7noyesdrive T RAINING SET

5 Is it snowing? Is it raining?drive walk YesNo YesNo DaySnowing?Raining?Method 1yes drive 2yesnodrive 3noyesdrive 4noyeswalk 5no walk 6no walk 7noyesdrive  Not all cases are accounted for correctly  Wrong decision on Day 4  Need to choose variables predictive enough of the outcome T RAINING SET

6 Is it snowing? Is it raining?drive walk YesNo YesNo  Not all cases are predicted correctly  Maybe the decision to drive or walk is determined by more than just the snow and rain? DaySnowing?Raining?MethodPrediction 8yes drive 9noyeswalkdrive 10noyesdrive 11yesnodrive 12no walk 13no walk 14yes drive T EST SET

7  Ease of interpretation  Simplicity of use  Flexibility in variable selection  Functionality to build decision trees readily available in software (e.g., the R statistical package)

8  Outcome variable = faking status (“faking” or “honest”)  Training set = an experimental data set where some participants instructed to fake  Training set = a data set where some respondents are known to have faked  Outcome variable = lie scale score  Training set = a data set where the target lie scale was administered to some subjects

9  So far, have used individual item responses only  Other possibilities:  Variance of item responses  Number of item responses in the highest (or lowest category)  Modal item response  Decision tree method permits some sloppiness in variable selection

10  Classification trees (dichotomous outcome case, e.g., predicting faking or not faking)  Accuracy rate  False positive rate  Hit rate  Continuous  Average absolute error  Correlation between actual and predicted scores

11  Algorithm can “overfit” to the training data, so performance metrics computed on the training data not indicative of future performance  Thus we will often partition the data:  Training set (data used to build tree)  Test set (data used to compute performance metrics)

12  Training/test set split leaves a lot to the chance selection of the training and test set  Instead, partition the data into k equal subsets  Use each subset as a test set for the tree trained on the rest of the data  Average the resulting performance metrics to get better estimates of performance on new data  Here we will report cross-validation estimates

13  Data sets  Two sets of students (N = 431 and N = 824) that took a battery of noncognitive assessments as well as two lie scales as part of a larger study  Measures  Predictor variables ▪ IPIP (“Big Five” personality measure) items ▪ Social Judgment Scale items  Outcomes (lie scales) ▪ Overclaiming Questionnaire ▪ Balanced Inventory of Desirable Responding  Method  Build regression trees to predict scores on each lie scale based on students’ item responses

14  Varying performance, depending on the items used for prediction and the lie scale used as the outcome  Correlations between actual lie scale scores and predicted scores ranged from -.02 to.49  Average prediction errors ranged from.74 to.95 SD

15  Low-stakes setting: how much faking was there to detect?  Nonexperimental data set: students with high scores on the lie scales may or may not have actually been faking

16  Data sets  An experimental data set of N = 590 students in two conditions (“honest” and “faking”)  Measures  Predictor variables ▪ IPIP (“Big Five” personality assessment) items  Method  Build decision trees to classify students as honest or faking based on their personality test item responses

17  Decision trees correctly classified students into experimental condition with varying success  Accuracy rates of 56% to 71%  False positive rates of 25% to 41%  Hit rates of 52% to 68%

18  Two items on a 1-5 scale form a decision tree:  Item 19: “I always get right to work”  Item 107: “Do things at the last minute” (reversed)  Extreme values of either one are indicative of faking

19  Many successful trees utilized few item responses  Range of tree performance  Laboratory—not real-world—data  Although an experimental study, still don’t know:  If students in the faking condition really faked  If the degree to which they faked is indicative of how people fake in an operational setting  If any of the students in the honest condition faked

20  Data set  N = 264 applicants for a job  Measures  Predictor variables ▪ Achievement striving, assertiveness, dependability, extroversion, and stress tolerance items of the revised KeyPoint Job Fit Assessment  Outcome (lie scale) ▪ Candidness scale of the revised KeyPoint Job Fit Assessment  Method  Build decision trees predicting the candidness (lie scale) score from the other item responses

21  Correlations between actual and predicted candidness (lie scale) scores ranged from.26 to.58  Average prediction errors ranged from.61 to.78 SD

22  Items are on a 1-5 scale, where 5 indicates the highest level of Achievement Striving  Note that most tests are for extreme item responses

23  Similar methodology to Study 1, but better results (e.g., stronger correlations)  Difference in results likely due to the fact that motivation to fake was higher in this real- world, high-stakes setting

24  Wide variety in decision tree quality between groups of variables (e.g., conscientiousness scale vs. openness scale)  Examining trees can give insight into the structure of the assessment

25  Some decision trees in each study used only a small number of items and achieved a moderate level of accuracy  Use decision trees for real-time faking detection on computer-administered noncognitive assessments  Real-time “warning” system  Need to study how this changes the psychometric properties of the assessment

26  Address whether decision trees can be effective in an operational setting—are current decision trees accurate enough to reduce faking?  Comparisons of decision tree faking/honest classification with classifications from IRT mixture models  Develop additional features to be used as predictor variables  Explore other machine learning techniques

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