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Activity 4.2 Sierra annual Water Budget “Tree Scale”

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1 Activity 4.2 Sierra annual Water Budget “Tree Scale”

2 Step 1: Δ SWC (storage) File: Soil Moisture -Simple depth average -Take end-start diff, convert to L, using 1000L /m 3, scale by 100 m 2

3 Step 2a: Met H2O Flux data File: P301 Flux Tower data Pre calculated cm/day Sum over WY Result: cm/yr/m 2

4 Step 2b: Snow Water Equivalent File: P301 Flux Tower data Calc. differences Sumif(range,”>0”) Result: cm/yr/m 2

5 Step 2c: Precipitation (rain) File: P301 Flux Tower data Calc. cumulative or sum up over WY Result: cm/yr/m 2

6 Step 3: Sapflux Transpiration data File: Sapflux

7 Step x: SW Stream Flow File: Discharge from Providence P301 Rethink calc order and layout Result: cm/y/m2

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