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Hi! You need: Pen/pencil Notebook paper Journal (9/25/14): D,C,Q: Washington County Public Schools should adopt the new Slim-by-Design lunch tray.

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Presentation on theme: "Hi! You need: Pen/pencil Notebook paper Journal (9/25/14): D,C,Q: Washington County Public Schools should adopt the new Slim-by-Design lunch tray."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hi! You need: Pen/pencil Notebook paper Journal (9/25/14): D,C,Q: Washington County Public Schools should adopt the new Slim-by-Design lunch tray.

2 Agenda: Journal: Slim-by-Design lunch tray Notes: Satire Analyzing Satire o Political Cartoon o Key & Peele o SNL o “A Modest Proposal” connection—answer the questions as you read. Homework: o Read “A Modest Proposal” by Friday & answer questions on the back. o Brainstorm & Draft 1 due by Wednesday (typed, double space!) When you leave you will have: -analyzed the effectiveness of satire in various mediums.

3 Hi! You need: Pen/pencil Into the Wild book Journal (9/25/14): D,C,Q: Washington County Public Schools should adopt the new Slim-by-Design lunch tray.

4 Agenda: Journal: Lunch trays Chris Cha-cha-changes! o What do we know about Chris: As a child? As an adult? On his adventure? What about YOU? Chapter 13 & 14: Read—what do we know now? Learning Log: Your choice! Homework: o None When you leave you will have: -determined how characterization is developed over time.

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