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 Name, date, period  Author: Nicole Darmon and Adam Drewnowski  Title: Does social Class Predict Diet Quality?  Citation format (journal)  Last name,

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2  Name, date, period  Author: Nicole Darmon and Adam Drewnowski  Title: Does social Class Predict Diet Quality?  Citation format (journal)  Last name, first name. and First name Last name. “Title of article.” Title of Journal. Date written day month year format: pages. Medium.

3  Tasks:  Questions  Quick Write

4  Paragraph 1  1. what is epidemiologic?  2. what is SES?  3. What is the major claim?  Paragraph 2  4. what does industrialized society mean?  5. what is morbidity?  6. What is mortality?  7. To what are all the diseases and problems related?

5  Paragraph 3  8. is diet just about food?  9. what does confounded mean?  10. why is it bad if studies are confounded?  11. what do you think this article is getting ready to do?  Paragraph 4  12. what is low energy density? Why is it important?  13. what is high energy density? Why is it important?  Paragraph 5  14. what is high water content? What types of food are high water content? Why does it matter?  15. what is satiation and satiety? What types of food lead to satiation? Why?  16. “excess energy intakes” come from high density food (aka _____) and ______________.

6  Paragraph 8  17. what are whole grains? Who consumes them?  18. what does refined mean? Who eats refined food? Why?  Paragraph 9  19. what does “g/d” mean?  Paragraph 11  20. who eats more cheese? Why?  Paragraph 12  21. who consumes more canned meats? Why?  Paragraph 13  22. who eats more added fats? Where do we tend to see added fats? Why are fats added?

7  Paragraph 14  23. what kind of diet do you have if you lack education? Why?  Paragraph 17  24. What is fiber? Why does it matter? How might lack of fiber lead to obesity?  Paragraph 18  25. What is sodium? Where it is found? Why is it bad? Who consumes more sodium?  Paragraph 20  26. (subtitles) What is the difference between “macro” and “micro”  27. Is research consistent in regards to marconutrition?

8  Paragraph 22  28. what are the numbers in parenthesis? Do you think it is accurate to say research is inconsistent? Why?  29. Who does “former” refer to? Who does “latter” refer to? How do we know?  Paragraph 23  30. When we are discussing “energy intake” what are we really discussing?  31. What problem is evident in this type of data? Why might this problem occur?  Paragraph 24  32. math: think about slopes. What is a positive slope? Negative slope? If there is a negative relation between energy density and SES, what does that mean? Draw a graph to represent it.

9  Paragraph 26  33. who has low vitamin C? What is vitamin C and where does it come from?  34. What does “>65y” mean?  35. What is B12? Who gets little B12?  Paragraph 28  36. as the cost of food goes up, the _____ of food goes up.  37. Why are vegetables expensive sources of energy?  Paragraph 29  38. what statistics are we being given? Do the other articles we read confirm this? LAST QUESTION

10 Does socioeconomic status play a role in obesity?  Be sure to form a clear thesis  Be sure to support your answer with evidence from all three articles.  Granderson, Levine, and Darmon and Drewnowski.

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